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Japanese dumping 1 million tons of radioactive water into the ocean,  another accidental shooting at the hand s of the cops in Minnesota and Harry comes home with his tail between his legs, that and more on this weeks episode go Getting To Know The Dead!

Enjoy Or Not





That crypto thing I'm trying to figure out too so far I've got 4.553 credits it said I could send you those as a tip but I didn't want to insult you because it's probably like 5p haha I'll save them all up first maybe if I watch all your videos again I might have enough credits to send you 50p lol


God forbid if this doesn’t work out , you can always be a singer 😂


Yep, we have the census in Australia. I think about every four years and yes, same kind of questions.


Deadbug! You can sort out the council to come round your gaff and take the mattress or there’s lots of homeless house moving charities that do it for free! I haven’t been to the pub yet but I want to hit up the karaoke bar with you!


Deadbug its my birthday if you can shout me out on next upload


Love the content keep up the work


I'm with you Deadbug , when it comes to Harry ,I definitely think he should of waited until gramps was out of the red ....but I bet it was all Megan an Oprah's plan anyway, I don't even think Harry knew what some of the questions were going to even be. She is a piece of work , and did u happen to see the next day on the news they were discussing the interview , showing segments an they had an body language expert who was giving their expert opinion on whether she was telling the truth. I thought that was kindof weird , I mean is she known to lie ? I don't know but this expert said she was truthful , that the blinking of her eyes proves she is not lying. I found that interesting that they were testing her, an if it was me an I saw that , I would be a bit offended.


Perception is something that comes into play as well, she can believe what she says, it may not be truthful but it is her truth!


"Taser taser taser" *BANG* "ROOPS"


Great fuckin episode Deadbug.🤣🤣🤣..I had to Google Megan's Hammer Feet..You sir are correct..They are some gangley looking yolks 🤮..


Hey Greg..You can still send your credits to Boost Deadbugs material..They'll still belong to you while boosting Deadbug..Keep building them up and then unboost them and then send them to Deadbug as a tip..It's better to boost Deadbug than let them sitting in your wallet..Rock On Dude..😁


I HATE moving. I will die in this house, fuck moving lol


Chainsaw the old mattress.. it’s the only way!


haha I cut up my last mattress with a hunting knife, sadly I know longer have the knife and I don't own a chainsaw!


Well that’s a shame. Looks like you’re gonna have to burn the place down then lol... or there’s always Airtasker??


3rd floor walk up on the move? Yeah that's a rough one and know cause I did that job for 4 years. I saw someone talking about a strap and a hump strap is definitely part of a movers tool bag. You wrap the outside corner of a piece and use it for leverage. Yeah we got em stuck before. At times w mattresses one person's gotta pull the nose up while another person push's from behind Deadbug. They will bend that corner w the correct amount of force. Dude if you were over here I'd just drive over and help. I mean if we were not working but we definitely are. Hiring movers is expensive nowadays but I think worth it just leave what you cannot move in the boxes.


And if you were over here id get you to help LOL, I have hired movers, sadly I don't drive so I really have no choice but God damn son they are expensive!!!