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Friends of the the channel Dee Simon and our own Kate Rambo were kind enough to have me on their PODCAST for a second time now and they gave me permission to upload the extra content I appeared in.

This duo really is great, Dee is as handsome as Kate is stunning and I recommend you check them out (link below), really good people covering the topics that you will all love. Plus Im in it which should be even more of an incentive!!!






That was some funny sheeeet...I for 1 won't be trying the chest lube Johnnie's or whatever it's called..When do you put that shit on..Before,During..Sounds like a passion killer to me and my honey might get a hairy chest if she touches it..And I might lose mine and get breastasis..Fuck that.. I'll definitely be heading over to Sick and Wrong for a gander..Seems really cool..Unfiltered,the way I like it..Bravo KT..Bravo Deadbug..


Dee is as HOT as Kate?!? I'm not to sure about that one.


I guess it all depends on your bonners preference! Im guessing yours leans more towards the female of the species!!!


Great- I am totally bored in hospital ( nothing big ) and this is exactly what I needed . Merci- great timing (-:


Sorry deadbug I had to drop down a tier(only for three days) (embarrassing after I was the one to say can people go up one , it’s only till Tuesday where il be going up three levels so a higher one than before - sorry it’s so embarrassing f a stupid buck (well £1.39 ish in our money)


Hope you're good Brittanja..You'll be home soon..Take Care..


@ Huddrudda @ Deadbug I am okay thanks 💚. And to DB ; I am glad to see how to spell bonner- cause I never heard this word before I met your joints—but I was fast with figuring out what it means . (-:


Ah hope nothing serious and where are you in the uk they had free Wi-fi when I was in intensive care last year xxx


@ Jolene Smart - nah, nothing to worry- 💚. And the free internet Is age restricted- lol . So I am kind of a Disney channel watcher . Luckily I have enough GB .


Really loved that despite getting the pish ripped out me for ma Glasgow accent. I’d pay an extra dollar to listen to u guys do that once a month.


Feed that woman to the seels 😆


Nice ! Love Glasgow accent, it's the best accent in Scotland xxx


Greg!! You’re here too?! What a diamond geezer you are 💋


Yeh KT after u guys got DB on the pod craft the first time I got hooked.


Lol what kind of formula did these people drink?? People Brest is best! (Regarding the Q ayon)


Poor lads repeating operation mocking bird propaganda