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And you thought you had it rough in the rest of the world! A mum who gave her son an at home lockdown haircut is furious after teachers deemed it was "too short" - and put him in isolation.

Niall Clews, 12,(he's a dude) was struggling to see thanks or not to thanks to his curly raven  locks over his eyes (Okay who are we kidding the kids a Ginger)

But with no chance of getting to a Barber his mother Hannah Clews, 33, got out the clippers and went to town on the poor bastard.

She did her best (your best aint good enough honey), buzzing it till she could see the pink of his freckled Skull,  giving it a snip on the top as well, and was pleased with her handiwork if not her general eyesight and corneal health.

But upon his triumphant return to school the following week after lockdown expecting to be an eye please to the ladies and a style icon to the lads, Niall in between the laughter and verbal abuse from fellow classmates and a few more forward thinking teachers was told his at-home haircut was "too short" and not in line with school rules, which is no KUSTY THE CLOWN haircuts! 

Niall is now at home safe from offending the eye of the fellow staff and children but some say the poor bastard has suffered enough from months of lock down and whether or not he is pleasing to the eye should not matter.

What's everybody think? Ginger discrimination HATE CRIME HATE CRIME!!!!

Let me know





that aside, denying him his education is going a tad too far for me too...


Covid has made people nuts