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This is a big case in the U.K at the moment (March this year) and I have done a more topical approach this and I will be uploading another joint by the end of the week here on Patreon. This is a bit of a different approach I hope you enjoy.

This will be going on YT before Sex, Lies & Cannabalism Thomas Quick and I will as mentioned be reevaluating what I upload to YT and downscaling the amount posting trailers instead.


The Death Of Sarah Everard



cleaner than me isn't hard to achieve


As much as I feel for the victim and her grieving family: I wish the attention spent on coverage of her case would be equal to the attention Not spent on the Rotherham grooming victims. Or the two girls being murdered by islamists in Morocco. Of which I had the misfortune to see the actual footage. And don’t anyone even Dare calling that wHaTaBouTisM.