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This old crow a member of Parliament , is suggesting a curfew on men in England, after a murder last week where a woman (Sarah Everard) was abducted of the street by an off duty police officer who most likely used his badge to get her into his car and then murdered her.

So now the Woman of London has tagging #Toomanymen that is trending on twitter want to hold a rally in London this weekend to apparently show their "Collective" grief but have been told because of COIVID they will be fined and arrested but that aint good enough and they will be doing it anyway because we all know the drunk guy who cat calls a girl in front of a pub on Saturday is really going to take notice of this and change.

Anyone remember a time when if you felt an emotion it didn't need to be "Collective" and you had a little dignity. In my opinion nothing is going to change, male or female when you are out at night, walking through parks alone, you are risking your life, that is a reality.

I have kids and id like to think these rallies will change something but again just SJW doing their thing,

I saw a post by a guy on LINKEDIN posting "What can I do as a man to make woman feel more safe?"And I was actually embarrassed for the guy but woman loved it" Your so amazing" "You are what men should be" 

In my mind if you need to ask that question your part of the problem.




While I think the women have the right to protest provided they take safe precautions. I also think it's unfair to generalize all disappearances or violent cases as only caused by men. Like women can be just as guilty by shitting on men and generalizing them; people doing this are no different then people who treated women like shit in the past.


Oh for fuck's sake! I was just asking "what next?" I never thought it would be putting a curfew on men. How about put a 6:00 p.m. curfew on the whole fucking world, why dont ya?!!!