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As long time fans will know this is one of my most used songs in my joints (hopefully not over used) Please feel free to ad what joints you have seen this in. I never think music used in the stuff should be tragic because what ever happens in this life, it is life and it was always going to happen from the day you came outta the womb, it really was written in your calendar.

For me death is something that makes you cry, makes you scream why? but it either way it was always going to happen and for me this song captures that, every thing in your life played back in a 2 minute vignette.

 I have had more than a few people ask, doesn't working with death and focusing all the time effect me mentally and the answer is yes and no, early in my career  at NBC I did several stories on death and rode around with ambulance crews and the police and I came home each night and cried and at some point I realised, death is everywhere, it is just whether or not we choose to see it .

I uploaded this again because I love this song and people still ask for it and I know things can be hard to find on older uploads.

Tittle:We Used T Be Cool

Artist:Emerson Ware




Spot on❤️


It's a very respectful song especially in the Becky Watts joint


Hey mate, it’s nice you remembered me it’s Matt Durham (yeah ok I know you forgot my name it’s cool), I’ve had major surgery on my lower spine a good few months ago, and I’ve been in hospital again with a swallow face a tooth removing/draining in theatre I spent a few days in hospital I wish they told me I was going to be staying. I’m just listening to your film review just started. How’s your leg doing? Leg mental.


Hey Matt, I always try and respect peoples privacy and not use real names as some don't like it. Damn sorry to hear you have been having a rough time, I hope you are on the mend. Yeah Im up and walking with both legs now and on the med but am on some strong pain killers at night to sleep.


What painkillers are you on? I'm tapering off Gabapentin at the moment


That is is a good question, they are two flights upstairs beside my bed and Im not going up to check. Although the chemist says they are addictive and strong, I rather doubt they are anything more than extra strong aspirins , it as this is England. But they do the trick and I take two before bed and they knock me out.


Definitely not overused! One of my favorites for sure!


One of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard!


Fantastic song


Love when you use this song... it’s become like an old friend! Makes the ugliness of the crime a little bit so bad... love all you do


Definitely my favourite of all the songs 💛


Holy shit DB. Just has this playing while getting lunch for my six year old. He was in the kitchen with me, lying on the floor, scooting around on his back (ahh, boys ffs 😂). Has my back turned from him and he came up from behind and cuddled me while crying. I asked him what was up and he said he doesn’t want to die 😢 After working in aged care for years, I am very pragmatic about death, even to him. We are all born to die, to make room for others. In saying that, I never went into midwifery or paeds as the death of the young is awful. Anyway, enough bollocks, just to say that my 6 year old picked up on the tone of this song....


I remember 1st hearing this on your video and it fitted so well I was like wow you really know how to pick a soundtrack for your videos fucking biblical.


I can't stop listening to this song, it's haunting. Especially over the images at the end of the videos...leaves an impression.


My favorite! So haunting