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Any issues with PATREON or questions please post here. I have said this a few times but unfortunately I cannot replicate issues that you may have because this is my page, I have access to everything and my user experience is different from yours. Also I can't message PATREON on your behalf and say "User 24435" has an issue viewing content because they get snappy with me and only tell me if "User 24435" has an issue he or she should message us not you.

The main issue that I run into with users is they get a message saying "content unavailable" or "content doesn't exist" I have no idea why some of you get the message and some of you don't. I embed the content here, you should be able to see it, it has nothing to do with VIMEO, it is here only you have no access to it on VIMEO. I assume I am doing it correctly because most of you can see the content. I here allot of people saying don't use the app., watch through the browser.

If you have any problems please state them here and one of our experts can help you and will help. PATREON is by no means perfect but it gets better with each update. Im sorry I can't be more help but when Im asked about it Im literally blind to it, I don't see the issue you do but I assure you signing up to VIMEO and following me there is not the answer, most of my content is on private and it is a dumping ground. I use it mainly to embed here which means content is private.






Yes, but DO make sure that you have the Vimeo app downloaded. You don't need to follow anyone, but it's been my experience that, if you don't have the app downloaded, you may not be able to view content.


If you use patreon in the browser instead of the app there are none of the Vimeo pop ups. Everything plays fine in the browser for some reason.


I've been here a while, I've never downloaded the vimeo app. There was very few times I've had to use the browser. Maybe making a free account on vimeo helps but you certainly don't have to download it! 😁


As I said, my experience. Your mileage may vary. And it might be a fix for frustrated people who aren't able to get a video to play.


What you said was you DO have to download it, I'm saying it's not necessary.


Vimeo stops when I rotate my phone (older model). Occasionally, content will not be available. Will try the browser option for future issues.


Yesssss it then starts all over again 🤦🏼‍♀️ I put a link up ⏫⏫ using the chrome browser. Have notifications go to your email as well.


Not me, dawg. The patreon app is slower than turtle pussy.


I have that problem also... it’s crazy because one will open in Vimeo and the very next one says it doesn’t exist. I’ve even opened Vimeo without Patreon, done a search, and still can’t find the joint???


Hey DB, you gonna check out the new Adam Curtis doc? It’s a 6-parter all on BBC iPlayer. 👍


Only issue I have had is when you post a comment and then try to edit it, the comment pops up in a little box and you can’t (or it’s hard to) jump down in order to add something. Also just the way Patreon is formatted is kinda archaic. It’s just not easy to navigate and find things.


And when you hit the return button in order to start a new paragraph, it posts the comment (like it just did) instead of just starting a new paragraph. So annoying. Deadbug the Kendall Francois case from Poughkeepsie New York is ripe for a video. Legion Forever!!!!


Correct. In order for the videos to play on two out of three of my mobile devices, I had to download Vimeo. This might be a fix for some people.


Hey Ga... Pieces of Lucy is the joint and no matter what I seem to do, I can’t open it? Vimeo says it can’t be located??


Yes, agree. Searches within Patreon can be clunky, and odd --" Archaic."