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This is another story from my teens regarding a family camping trip!

Enjoy Or Not





Get Well DB


The only benefit in doing a podcast is if it’s unearthing some unknown facts about some huge case and you don’t have the money to make a proper show about it... THEN it becomes really popular and heaps of people listen to it, some deadbeat journalist might do a story in the Daily Mail about it and widen your reach to people who only listen to podcasts.. the best thing that could happen is someone with money takes all the fkg research you did and then make a movie out of it. From what little experience I’ve had listening to podcasts, that’s all I can see.. because they’re usually free to listen to. If you go down that road, just make sure you mention patreon coz that’s your best chance to get paid for what you do. Then you can make the movie.. or get executive producers to bankroll the project and then you get a cut of the profits.. and obviously that’s only if you’ve made some agreement beforehand.. otherwise, you’ll get credit but no financial benefit. I truly hope you end up getting some major recognition coz no one does crime like DB!!


Thanks for the podcast, Deadbug. Glad you're on your feet again.


DB, you might be able to get a free Van /Car transport to the LineUp if you wanted, because of your illness. In the States, at least in NH & VT, bus company drivers get special deals to help out eligible riders, get to Medical & certain other appointments. I have a physical Disability, so I'm eligible for this. Have used it a few times when rides were required (when I would not be allowed to drive myself), like to a back injection and a procedure at the hospital. A former neighbr with MS regularly used the service to get to treatments. The drivers like doing it since they're helping people and it's variety from driving a bus. England might have a parallel system. Anyway, thanks for sharing your 2 stories this week. I can hear your voice rising to the occasion, getting better.


Hope you are feeling better Deadbug. I’ve been getting chewed up by (what I believe are) f*cking bedbugs for the last two weeks. Sucks, but I’m going to defeat these little bastards. Legion Forever!!!!!


Lmao boys will be boys but that’s funny as hell. “The attempted rape of Lori’s grandmother.” 💀 ffs 🤦‍♀️


That guy was true friend.


Or he'd heard about me giving a box of wasps as a birthday present and knew if he messed with me id fuck him up!


Oh my, if you really are dealing with bedbugs, your best bet is to just set everything on fire and start over! Parasites are my biggest phobia (lice, scabies, bedbugs, etc.) and I'd see a lot of psych patients especially come in with bites... but bedbugs are by far the most tenacious little critters! 😱 Best of luck to you Otto!!!


Deadbug, they are real as f*ck. Bite marks that swell up all over my legs. It’s a nightmare. I’m assuming that they are bedbugs, but I’m not 100% sure. Something is biting me.


Kristina A, I pulled all of my sheets. followed instructions on washing and drying them. My next step is two different products meant to eliminate bedbugs (professional grade) and get a mattress cover specifically meant for bedbugs.


Kristina A, and if none of this works then I’m definitely getting rid of everything and starting over. I’m not sure if it’s bedbugs or something else but I can’t live with things biting me and having to deal with the swelling and itching that comes along with these nasty bites. Crazy thing is I have no idea where they came from? They say you usually bring them from somewhere else, but I really haven’t been anywhere. Who knows? Thanks.


I've never dealt with them in my home (thankfully), but any time we had patients admitted with them we'd seal up their clothing and have special protocols on how to sanitize them and the room afterwards... Ridiculously hot water and heat from the dryer definitely help. Bag up what you can, and treat everything with heat + whatever you've got for it. Depending on your bed frame, you can spot them in the creases and edges of either your bed frame or the mattress itself. They really can be brought in from anywhere just like any other bug... Hell, for a really bad infestation one time, the exterminator showed us how there was some bed bugs inside the deep crevice (near the spine) of a book the patient brought in. 😱 Regardless of what it is, I hope whatever is going on in your home is resolved quickly. Seriously best of luck to you! 🙏


Thanks. The thing is I have looked all over my mattress, box spring and everywhere and have seen no bedbugs or any evidence of bedbug infestation (I looked up what to look for).


I’m going to keep my fingers crossed, follow through with the products that exterminators use for bedbugs and hope for the best. Worst case scenario, I will just have to buy a new mattress and beddings. I washed my sheets and sprayed something (an ant killer, not something specifically for bedbugs) and I haven’t been bit in two nights. I’m still going to get the bedbug killers and get a mattress cover.


Once again I not 100 percent certain that it’s bedbugs. Forgive me for writing in blocks, but when I try to edit my comment, it’s a hassle to scroll down and add.


Well that sounds promising at least... I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you as well! 🤞


Hilarious! Went to the grandparents' tent?? "Relax, baby!" 🤣🤣


And the wasps was just kind of like a prank situation between teenagers, imagine to actually piss DB off, oh hell no lol.


When u do the podcasts, you make money by having sponsors which give you some of their products and then you promote those products to your listeners. That's where the majority of the money comes from, if you get a large enough croud then the platforms for podcasts may offer some money as well.


Man I laughed at this way too much, relax so I can rape you baby hahahahahaha