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For the LUST CRIME series im inspired by 1950s Detective magazines. The quotes on those magazines are always priceless!




Yeah I saw and was happy to see our last President started going ahead again w federal executions, he was the 8th. That poor girl was murdered and raped for two days over a botched weed deal. Who gives five grand to a stranger for weed. The report I read said they had dug the grave prior and poured gasoline on her but didn’t light it. She died from being buried alive. Either way that bastard is where he belongs & may she Rest In Peace.


@Dan Why keep evil killers in prison for decades when they were duly given a penalty of death? Bundy relaxed there for almost 10 years, it's just not a good system. I think juries assume the State won't really execute them - it's crazy!


It used to be you got 8 years worth of appeals and yeah Bundy tried to use bones for time to his advantage but it only lasted so long. He could of copped a plea for his life but was stubborn. There is a whole movement to abolish capital punishment cause it’s inhuman... some may say. Sodium pentothal has become unavailable legally because of this fight. They tried to use some other cocktail and a prisoner had a bad reaction I read they called it botched and said the guy was flopping around on the table gasping for air. Witnesses said it was brutal. That was years ago tho clearly they were back on point w the last administration. Last month I read lethal injection was gonna be replaced by firing squad. There has to be consequences for certain actions imo. Prison and certainly death row is no quality of life. Now they even have “indeterminate sentencing” for serious offenders. It basically just means your never gonna be free again cause your not rehabilitative what so ever. It’s the nobody wants you around status and has got to be lonely af.


Sounds like what they have in the UK, where you're in prison "at Her Majesty's pleasure" meaning there's no date for release, you're in prison and never know if you'll get out. Like you say, certain kinds of crimes deserve the utmost in consequences, and sadly, it seems there's too many freaky criminals out there, cutting up women, burying them alive, etc. I have a hard time imagining why they do these things! How can they live with themselves? Yeah, Bundy thought he could trade bones for time - those families were insulted at the idea, who could blame them. Yet, he got married and had a kid in there! You think a firing squad idea is coming back? Maybe hanging. They don't deserve to just go to sleep.