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This is the updated edit for YT when it finally goes up, this includes some different music, script and visuals. Worth watching if you get a chance.

This is why you are on PATREON because you get exclusive content and content first! ☠️

P.S tif any spelling errors I will amend later. Also I will begin to upload all older YT content here for you to enjoy.

Enjoy Or Not



Lust Crimes #8



I'm so glad I'm new to Patron , there is enough for me to watch for hours. This crime duo I've seen before on a few different documentaries , but you always tell the whole story Deadbug , an I truly believe if everyone knew the truth , the real brutality of these killers they would want the death penalty . I never understood why groups will try to get these death penalty cases commuted to life , an succeed . They compared these 2 to Bonnie & Clyde , sure wish they would of taken them out like Bonnie & Clyde ......just waited on a back road an shot em dead. Thank you for always remembering the innocents Deadbug , your work is phenomenonal.


I have heard horror stories about Gary, Indiana. If you want a laugh, ( a dark, true crime laugh that is) google Whats the worst city you have ever seen? It;s bleak! what's a real shit hole that you guys been through?