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This is the post were new PATRON'S take a second to say hi and introduce themselves but also ask any tech questions like " why am I not seeing anything?". Thank you all for being here and making the effort that many don't.

I have been suffering from a several viral infection this week and am only now just stating to create again be it a bit slowly but rest assured Im working and something a little different is coming in the next few days.

Other things in the future

Jeffrey Dahmer, The West's, DEAD BY NATURE 2 and other fun stuff.

Remember lots of great content here in including ZIPLOCKED series, COLUMBINE and weekly PODCAST I will be restarting at the beginning of next week, music from my Joints, all you gotta do it find it and school down. Got a message the PATREON is making some great user changes this year (I hope so) when I know I will pass the info on to you all.



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