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YouTube has announced a multi-year $100 million fund dedicated to “amplifying and developing the voices of Black creators and artists.”

CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, outlined what the company plans to do to help support the Black community and do better as a platform. The fund will support the creation of YouTube Original programming and amplify Black voice and perspectives.

“We recognize we need to do more, in particular with the Black community, and that is why we are committing to following actions,” said Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube.

The first use of the fund will be a livestream event called “Bear Witness, Take Action,” which will air this Saturday, June 13. The platform will bring prominent and influential figures from the Black community for roundtable discussions and musical performances and will raise funds for the Equal Justice Initiative.

Through June, the Spotlight channel will highlight justice issues, including the latest perspectives from the Black community on YouTube alongside historical content, educational videos, and protest coverage.

The platform will also examine how its policies and products are working for everyone ⁠— but specifically for the Black community ⁠— and close any gaps.

“There is much work to do to advance racial equity in the long-term, and these efforts will continue in the months and years ahead,” commented Wojcicki.

It's interesting to note that on every video that youtube pushes with their new agenda to celebrate back creators YT has turned off the comments and the like dislike  because the down votes far exceeded the upvotes and the comments were so negative.

Will Suzan ever get it right? Better still how long can this woman last when every major creator on the platform is looking for another platform to call home. Wojcicki has been accused of shadow banning black creators but also any tags that have LBGQ.




It's all part of the "we are all different and hate each other" narrative that the mainstream media has been pushing for the last few years. A divided people are easier to control as they are so busy fighting amongst themselves that they miss whats really going on around them. Its sickening how its "cool" to call white people racist and how discrimination is suddenly ok. I am tired of constantly hearing that whites are all racist because its being pushed by the left to cause division and I think it will come back to haunt the Democrats in the end......At least it should anyway! What are these fucks going to do when they ignite a civil war besides hide in their mansions? Most families these days are made up of people of different races and that has helped to quash racism so why is it suddenly major problem in this country again? I myself have a mixed race child and im sure af not racist and anyone who says otherwise can suck my left nut until my right nut is jealous.


Because Trump changed the status quo, and it scared the bejezus out of them, and you are right, they completely created this race division BS, when it was not even an issue anymore, at least not between everyday citizens. I can't speak to the behavior of the governmental/law enforcement tyrants. But it was created 100% to serve their greedy evil purpose.


BLM is like the KKK to us south africans only they are black and putting KKK to shame