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I demand everyone say hi in the comments section and introduce yourself or I will post you personal details on pornhub!!!!!! (kidding of course)

Thank you all for being here and if you have any issues or questions state them here and our resident experts will sort you out (in a non sexual way... well unless you request otherwise.... but that shit is extra)




Hey all, newbie Legionaire here, Luv me some DEADBUG, and I know everyone here is just as awesome


I signed up for Patreon just to support you. Never used it before. I found your channel a week ago, and man I’m glad to find a crime channel with black humor, serious depth, a genuinely unique style—and it helps that you call out liberal bullshit. Glad I found the channel. Keep up the great content.


Hey man, welcome, I know you, saw you on YT. yeah I don't intentionally call out bullshit but by even saying certain things seems to bring allot of hate on me from the pussy squad, clad you are here, lots of content, remember watch through the browser , I recomend COLUMBINE directors cut, ZIPLOCKED and my podcasts.