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Christmas can be amazing time for many but it can also be a sad hard time for many others, loneliness, depression, hardship, can some times be like rapids, running over us, we fight it or we let us carry us away and pull us under.

Christmas has always been very hard for me, where I measure it by those who are no longer sitting at the table with me, former lovers, lost pets, family, but I just wanted to say whatever Christmas means to you, keep fighting those tides, never get pulled under.

If you ever wonder what happens when I get fucked up on too many bottles of red wine with a guitar near by and my kids old dinosaurs piano and lament... well it aint pretty but here it is!

Case N' point!

Thank you all for making the effort to be PATREONS, it means all and everyone on YT owes you a debt. Please share in the comments what you will be doing in the holidays, my Im already doing it, getting pissed and play guitar!

Merry Christmas 






lol I am so glad I found you xox