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This is one of the first things I ever uploaded to YT, at a time when I was still working full time in Television I rarely uploaded unless something pissed me off and had to be showcased and this pissed me off. I later removed it off of YT because I felt it was not on brand and wasn't good enough to sit next to my other work and Im uncomfortable doing anything involving filicide . But recently I watched it and felt it was still worthy as long as I fixed a few issues. So here it is with a few minor tweaks as I don't want to take from the original piece.

I will at some point upload this to YT as I feel although a bit different still worthy of being out there.

Enjoy Or Not



Anderson Child Murders



Your 'worst' work is better than the crap on Spewtube from true crime channels with all their stock videos. I hate that crap.


Why didn't she just kill HERSELF?! Why did the babies have to die? I think she wanted to really hurt their father, I don't feel bad for her at all. And Child protection went HOW MANY TIMES!?!? Jesus Christ! What more do you freakin' need???!