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Happy Halloween

Enjoy Or Not





Awww your story of going to the store to get candy for the kids. We used to love houses like your's. And me and my pals were always respectful.


R.I.P 007


Getting your TP at the back door seems fitting..lol


You were talking so fast until I realized I accidentally hit the 1 and 1/2 times speed button. I never realized that was there! 😂


thank you for saving Halloween for at least some of the kids DB!


🤣🤣 Fuck that guy and his $1. I’m a new subscriber but after a yr of watching I had to go for an upper tier because the content has been worth


Hi deadbug. I live in france. They did the same thing with the lockdown but its their purpose, they want everything to close down. This world is fucked. Stay strong, as soon as I get a job after this bullshit is over I'll give more than a buck believe me


Somehow missed this. I think I was getting ready to hand out candy illegally 😆 They cancelled trick or treat here too....i went through 5 bags of candy 🤡


Let me know what you need DB I'll care package it to you.


What up DB ? DB crazy he said he’s being stocked by Uncle Fester 🤣


I noticed that even before the plandemic hit that over the past few years less and less people are handing out candy and it pisses me off. Living in a small town everyone knows everyone and have for decades so you know which old fat ass was at one time a young fat ass who loved trick or treating and loading up with candy. Now that same fat ass suddenly dosen't think its important to hand out candy and that pisses me off! People who had great Halloween's when they were kids could give a fuck less about making it great for kids these days and to me those people are who the "tricks" were designed for! Kids need to nut up and start soaping windows and egging the cars off these pricks who are ruining the holiday that they themselves once had no problem participating in until it cost them a few dollars. Fuck those guys


Just to add to my comment i made a post on Facebook about those types of jackoffs a couple of years ago and tagged every asshole that was on my friends list who had their porch lights off on Halloween night when I knew they were home. Worthless piles of shit needed to be called out as do all pos should be.