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The Briley Brothers



Nice editing job, btw, DB.


Another great film DB! I love that you bring us cases that aren't played out all over the place, but when you do bring a known case, it always ends up being the best and most cinematic doc on the subject, always including all the details left out elsewhere. It's like it puts right there in the time period and place. Anyway, I'm glad at least 2 of these sick fucks fried. They deserve worse, but I'll take what I can get. Legion forever!


Great work! Thanks!


Every time I try to play this I have to pause and listen to Sniff the Tears on Spotify! Thanks for the memory trip.


I love the music at 14:12 These brothers were a vicious group of guys. Makes you wonder what caused them to be so heartless. That poor ole' man had to listen to his elderly wife being raped, the five year being shot 😢 You just never know really. A lot of commotion happened in my neighborhood this weekend, a block up the road from my house. Woman shot her estranged boyfriend and killed him. She had a RO on him...just crazy stuff going on. Literally too close to home too. Loved the joint Deadbug, I never heard of these guys. Many Thank yous!!


Are these the same brothers that David Bowie sang about? Or have I missed the boat entirely?


That..uh..that um..ending was ELECTRIFYING


How do you get that song by Shelby lynne?


I live in Calif, and we have the death penalty and it's joke. One guy is still there after 40 plus years. I wish it was like Texas. They get shit done there.


you're wrong for that, Deadbug! I nearly shit my pants at the end.


One would think after five day solid of binging your media I would’ve been prepared for that damn ending but then again I guess it’s why you do it people like me thanks for that I feel like a heart attack a day is probably healthy not excessive
