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I hope you are having an amazing holiday (I know Im early but I know some have the day off today.






Happy 4th of July, may you have all 10 fingers on july 5th. 🤣


Love this day! My son is 12 tomorrow! 😀🇺🇸🥁🎹🎸


I hope your son has a safe and happy birthday.


Happy 4th to those living under the stars n stripes. Thanks, Deadbug


Already an idiot by me blue half a finger off. it's officially time to party! Lol


thanks deadbug! Happy Fourth of July everybody! It's officially time to party and celebrate here because somebody already blew half a finger off LOL it's not time to party till you're missing a digit...True story! Lol also found out my oldest son's dad is on a vent in the hospital with covid. No condolences needed just wanted to vent that...


Someone somewhere will have a finger or even a whole hand off without fail every year. Anyway, Happy 4th to you also. Feel free to vent here if you feel the need. Nobody here will judge.


Thank you for that 💕 *Warning...novel ahead...* I feel horrible but don't feel horrible for saying that I don't care if his dad dies. him dying of covid-19 would not be karma enough. He's in a cult and this cult blantley defied Houston stay-at-home orders and kept having Church refused to social distance said God would protect them. Him and his wife exposed their child who was born at 27 weeks repeatedly to covid and what do you want to bet he's going to get it. they also exposed the new baby. we're still not sure if he's in the hospital or not. we think his wife is being told by the church to tell people he's at home recovering because a defector from the church told my son that he was in the hospital on life support and his own family didn't even know he had been diagnosed with it. so far one person in the church has died. my son tried to reach out to them because I guess he wanted some kind of closure with his dad thinking his dad was dying and his stepmom had her sister sent him a message pretty much saying they don't want anything to do with you stay away from them your dad doesn't want to see you or talk to you (my son is transitioning to a woman but that's a whole different monster of a story... but it completely against their beliefs and they have shunned him and not like the amish shun people, which they do that for good reasons and a chance for self-reflection. They shunned him because I think he's going to hell and he deserves it in there mind.) some of this bitch is sending my son a message telling him he can't see his dad and not answering his question of like is his dad dying and then she goes on to say that she saw his Facebook post where he was like ha the church got covid, (but we all were like that I mean it was a told-you-so moment) and she just went on about how he's horrible and how that guy in their Church died and is partially his fault for wishing covid-19 and I'm like you did not wish that upon anyone much less death. They finally let him talk to his dad for a few seconds so he could say he loved him and that was it. His dad responded with I just want you to repent. Not I love you not I'm sorry I kicked you out of our lives out of your brother's life nothing like that. just I want you to repent. so anyway I'm trying to find out what's going on so I contact his dad sister and brother and they contacted his new wife who said everything is fine he's at home recovering. No one had even told his family he have been diagnosed with it. So it would not surprise me if she's spilling out a party line so the church can save face and doing so at the churches demand. I just feel like if he really is dying my child has every right to be there and say whatever he wants to say to his dad and have that kind of closure available to him you know what I mean? what is dad and that church is so spiteful they're not even giving him that opportunity. My parents were involved in the same denomination as Jim Jones when Jones when he first started preaching and was ordained. They were starting to go along with his teachings When he was headed to Guyana. they almost went with him.. luckily family and friends talked them and the other members of the church out of it. And after they spent some time with Jones at his home Church it wasn't that hard to talk them out of it. but nonetheless like we're familiar with cults. They 100% destroy not just people individually but families and friends of that person. Thank God I'm not there in Texas because if he truly is on a vent in the hospital I would unplug it and walk away... I'm a horrible person aren't i?


I don't think you're a horrible person. I think you're pissed about how your son's father is treating your son, rightfully so. Your son deserves better. If his father is in the hospital dieing of covid, it's his own fault. In all honesty,I don't blame you for wanting to pull the plug on the asshole.


Thank you! I mean I do feel bad but at the same time like I don't but I do... IDK. I don't know how I feel about it I guess. I just think you know if people knew what he put us through they would be like that's all you're going to do is pull the plug? 😂😂😂 But my thing is like how is he going to be just so blatantly disrespectful of just the community in general and refuse to stop the spread of covid-19 way they did and then even think that he deserves or is worthy of fucking treatment you know what I mean? I mean I get it I'm all for freedom I really am but man where I'm at in Missouri people are really out there about this shit. I just want to scream at them like the universe doesn't revolve around you it's not a global conspiracy to control you byt making you wear a mask! 😂 that was part of his dad's rant about that like they can't control us they're trying to control our religious beliefs it's like no man it's a virus it doesn't care about your political or religious beliefs nor does the community or putting In harm's Way!


Betty, are you over here in the states or are you across the pond?


Celebrate your nation's independence by blowing up a small part of it!


You're not the only dead bug fan I have discovered is from Montana! How does he have all these fans that live out in the sticks 😂😂😂 I'm in like East bumfuk Jesus Missouri 😂😂😂🤪


I guess all the cool people like us live in the middle of nowhere LOL with the exception of the cool chick that lives in Amsterdam whose name currently escapes Me, but I'm also really bad with names but nonetheless....all the cool kids live in the sticks or Amsterdam LOL


I think those of us who live in the sticks know what's real and like to keep it that way. We know that snowflakes are only supposed to fall from the sky and not show up in Deadbug's comment section 😆🤣


Happy 4th of July to all of you in the USA.


Happy Birthday to your son. Pretty cool to have fireworks to celebrate your birthday...a great way to end HIS day!! 🎆🎇✨🎆


Right? Although the year he was born I thought I deserved the fireworks, I did all the work☺


Happy Fourth of July to everybody not just in the United States but happy birthday America and I sure love this patreon


Happy 4th of July! 💙♥️