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In this ep I complain about my cat and the heat! And the different kind of nastiness I have been getting this week and how I may need a break at some point because how long can one man be subjected to so much hate and continue swimming through the tainted vile waters that is YT?!

Enjoy Or Not





No fans sold there, either? We use fans because our electric bill gets outrageous, but let me tell you, I understand city heat. 3rd floor heat. 🌡😥


Your style is so bad ass and blunt that it's automatucally niche, Bug - it is no wonder you feel depressed dealing with YouTube. However because you are SO appealing to a much smaller group (LEGION FOREVER! 🧡) you're status as a creator is higher in my eyes. I rarely have anything but "Deadbug says" in my search bar on YouTube.. The rest of my time spent over there is usually just listening to the shit they push at me as background noise while I get ready for work or my day. I appreciate your hard work and the fact that you say instead of sugarcoating. Can't wait for Epstein. Keep your chin up, ya handsome old hunk and don't let the bastards grind you down! 🧡🧡🧡


I take offence to the "Old" part but Im alright with everything else!


Agreed. It's not too bad outside right now, so the fan is doing it's job well enough. You can bet we use our car ac though!


You'll never get why people do what they do because you're not like them 🤷🏼‍♀️ it's not worth trying to figure them out!! YT is a horrible place when these people have free range, this is when I wish the Rona would be picky and serve up some karma! I'm not saying you should ignore them, just know they would never be able to be as good hearted as you. And we just went thru a holy hotness here in CNY. Today it's finally gonna be cooler.


Awww kitty!! 💜 Id make a slightly inappropriate joke about you being too hot, but it's too fucking hot to joke about it. Lol. And you don't deserve the hate that these crazies bring to your plate, but you have the best patreon following any YouTube creator could hope to have 💖 ☠🕷Legion forever! 🏴‍☠️ Sending you (and the kitty) all the love Deadbug.


I just PayPal-ed (is that a word? It is now) you... twice in a row. The no AC thing really got to me, then your poverty comment put me over the edge.


Hey DB I'm sorry you're going thru all this bull💩! Depression is very real and I know how you feel I'm bipolar but don't have the mania just a deep profound depression so I know what you mean about just laying your head down and thinking wtf. I know these people and their nasty comments and threats bother you and it's easy for us to say don't let it bother you but as a human being with feelings it bothers you. I must say though I had a great time going in on the bitch yesterday. I had to laugh when she said she's gonna call the cops on you for threatening her which you didn't but she threatened you what a crazy psycho she is!!! As far as people calling you a beggar that's bull💩! Your an awesome creator who deserves to be paid for all the hard work you do to bring us these awesome films. I believe you deserve every penny you get and much more. I wish I could give more and it makes me feel bad that you struggle so much only to encounter ungrateful ignorant assholes who think everything should be free or done to please them. Fuck them you do a lot for us you truly do more then anyone on Patreon for your followers. We are spoiled by you!!! I just hope you feel better and have a great rest of the week. It's hot here too and the humidity makes it worse so even though I have air I still get sick from the humidity and can't go out at all in the heat. If that's your kitty in the pic he's sooo freaking cute he has a look on his face like my boy does!!! A look like he's just chilling while his human servant caters to his every whim and he's just so unimpressed Lol!!! Sending lots of love an hugs your way. Take care keep cool!! #LEGIONFOREVER!!!😎👍🏻💕💕💕🤗


I think it’s cool that you and I have the same initials. 🤘 Anywho, I’m sorry that there are unstable crazies who feel compelled to not only “dox” you, but to threaten you??! That’s fucked up and though you and I aren’t the same, I HAVE been victim (and survivor) of EXTREME abuse, stalking, and harassment (both online and off for much of my adult life). It sucks. It’s frustrating. As a woman who, until a couple years ago, lived completely alone in several of America’s largest cities, it was absolutely terrifying and unnerving. All of this to say, I get how you must be feeling. Also, when I moved to LA, no air conditioning was the biggest shock to my system! Most of the year, and especially living close to the ocean, a/c isn’t necessary, but those incredibly hot 2-2.5 months a year?!! FUCK THAT. I found a nice studio near my former work in Hermosa Beach, and made certain there was a wall unit A/C. It was fantastic and only $1800 bucks a month! 🤣🤣🤣


Hi Deadbug. Sorry to hear about your sadness 💔 most of us understand your pain. Keep creating , it keeps us/you sane and happy. No one can stop you from being your self and expressing yourself as such.. stay strong.


No air con in my office either. Glass roof like a green house and a shitty fan on my face blowing warm air. Architect failure. Looks pretty but no thought for whom may have to work there for up to 12 hours. I'm in the London suburbs....


I enjoyed her calling me little man because I’m 5/8 or some bio on a film site I didn’t right said I was 5/8, honing in on the idea that would upset me and saying I’m ugly, reverting to a 10 year old, how is that an argument? It like me being in a cripple and someone saying your cripple, that really isn’t an argument lol.


I know I had a ball with her bitch ass!!! I must we the legion don't play when it comes to our DB!!! I wish I could send you some air this heat is a bitch I can't go out at all in it!!! 😅😂🤣


I have one of those portable air conditioners with the big tube on it for emergencies. I live in Phoenix and it's 109F/43C regularly. If my household HVAC breaks, I have to get the little portable out. It does actually work! It will cool down one room well enough to at least get some relief until the main unit gets fixed. New t-shirt idea, "Deadbug Says : Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time."


I have not been to Phoenix for a lone time but the heat there when I walked out a door , reminded me of opening an oven when it blows in your face, nothing worse than mid day heat, but unlike Asia it was a dry heat. The problem in U.K is you could by one of those AC's with the space pipe hanging out the window but it is how here maybe 3 weeks of the year, so pretty pointless. And the shirt idea, after this week , yep, sometimes Im afraid to login and see what other nut comes forward.


Very true! When my Mom first came to PHX to visit, the first words out of her mouth when we exited the airport were, "Oh my god. Why is everything not on fire?" I spent some time in the UK when I worked for CSR and I know how various the weather can be. :) It may only be 3 weeks but it'll drive you mad! Look at your poor kitty! He looks *utterly* defeated. :) Anyway, I hope you stay cool and get some rest. Good things are coming for you! Stay strong Deadbug. Your Legion is with you! :)


LOL, DB gets older every year, the women? They stay the same age. 24. ;P


That is a good description "Why isn't everything on fire!" Yes I having the feeling things are going to change for the better as well, but I may go nuts waiting! :)


I'm so sorry you are getting death threat's. If people don't like you, don't watch!! I love you!!


I grew up in NTL Canada and high rises had nice A/c but here in Vancouver BC they dont have them its like living in a green house with these floor to ceiling window and you can get a fine for defacing outside with a unit. Fortunately I'm in a house now and I have A/C