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In this episode, I take a look at some of the comments I have received this week as well recent Black Lives Matter events. And remember I don't really hate these other channels, Im just jealous that they do so much better than me 😳

Enjoy Or Not 





Don't even bother yourself with all that drama bullshit in the comments DeadBug. We are surrounded by complete fucking idiots, every minute and everywhere we go. All driven by fear, greed, acceptance from random strangers and for some reason for us to all care about what type of genitals they have. And WTF is up with this comment user interface? I have to manually move to the next line? LOL CMON PATREON. Get your shit together! Might as well be using a damn typewriter.


Holy shit all these sanctimonious assholes saying all these hateful things calling you a Nazi and so on 🙄 do they not realize they sound 1000 times worse then anything they deem as an unappropriate in your videos?🤦‍♀️ What a bunch of ass clowns 🤦‍♀️. 🤪🙄🤡


Omfg I screen recorder that cops interview and shared it on my Facebook that guy speaks the fucking truth 👏👏👏👏 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10158430088498781&id=676583780 I don't get why people are putting all cops in the same box!🤦‍♀️ People are all individuals yes there are fucking loser police with a God complex! But they're not all the same!🤷‍♀️ I'm sorry but can you imagine a world with no policing or anyone in charge to keep the psychopath and degenerate in line?! Yeah that's not a world I want to live in 🤷‍♀️ just saying


Funny how all the money that BLM receives, goes to white rich liberal politicians.


I'm in michigan right outside of Detroit.....I agree 100% with him


Pay no mind to the fuck heads in the comment section, they have no idea what an actual creative person producing art looks like. These are the type of braindead morons who get off on watching garbage like Rob Dyke and That Chapter. Thank you for the work you create, you truly outshine all of the other stuff people put out. It's amazing how popular some of those channels are without ever changing or trying to improve what they do. It is obvious that you have experience in production. I can't stand "creators" who don't put effort into constantly improving themselves. There are only two other pod casts that I actively pay money for, most of the garbage on the internet isn't worth funding. Also, I can't stand That Chapter's voice, it is probably one of the most obnoxious accents I have ever heard. You voice and style is amazing, keep doing what you do!


Once again thank you and I think your voice is sexy


Uhoh I'm a black deadbug fan; should I NOT watch this one?😅😅😅


I think you're safe, we may all disagree about things but can all agree that Cops murdering someone is wrong!


Lol, I finally got a new phone!! Except, I can't sign in on the app now! So, browser it is I guess. Patron is Def riddled with bugs, but the app is only easier bc when I signed up in 2014 or 2015, I had no idea what Patreon was, and signed up as a creator and now I can't delete that... So it made me make a "profile" as a creator and takes me to the Creators Studio type page on the browser, lol, where it keeps prompting me to complete my profile, and upload content. With the app, it would just open to my home feed. For some reason the browser won't do that and I have to hunt down my following feed. But, I found it this time, lol after fucking with it for 3 damn days and not being able to watch content on my old phone. Man, I miss this place! Hope everyone is well!


Hi Em22, agree. I'm new to Patreon (joined for DB yesterday). Patreon seems awkwardly structured. E.g., no Search Slot, and no master list by Creator. A Key word possibility opens sometimes. That helps find stuff. A great deal is oriented for Creators. That's good, but for now I'm just a patron trying to find my way around.


You can pay to be a fan of certain people's YouTube channels. YouTube should make comments available only to those who are fans who pay a subscription fee to the channel like we do here on Patreon. That way you'd have to pay to troll someone and if you did it'd be easier to find the culprits and block them.


That’s weird people would take time out of their life to write nasty comments. Maybe they don’t have anything else better to do.