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I thought I wold share today what I woke up to, my DBP thumbnail was "apparently" flagged multiple times as being offensive and after they "Manually reviewed it" it has been  removed for being sexual content and now I cannot upload a custom  thumbnail for a week, where did they review this "Iran' Clearly YT did not manually look at it because if they did they would see it is a woman in her bathing suit.

I have appealed it saying clearly in cases like this they need to take a look at the people who are flagging something that clearly is not a breach in guidelines. Let's see if they get back to me as they never do and always reject my appeal no matter how ridiculous.




I noticed that last night and I wasn’t surprised! YT is trying to fuck you every which way it’s unbelievable because your work is like a masterpiece every time! These fruit cake soft MFs need to grow a set!!! Sick of this PC 💩


Did you date someone's daugther who works at YouTube because they sure do got a hard on for you dude🤬😡🤘🏻


Im sorry they ride you so hard. They would sure as hell let me watch someone breastfeed. Hypocrites.


So it's ok for girls to post what basically equates to a fkn nipple cover and a strip of duct tape that poses as a bikini from online shopping sites but not ok to post a photo of a 1970s model in her bikini. Ok. She's not gonna have a fkn wardrobe malfunction and nipslip. But theyll make bank doing it and with no "multiple flags". 🤦🏻‍♀️. I'm naked and about to take a shower, quick someone censor and remove me!! Fkn snowflakes


It doesnt matter man the censored don't care about the truth. Your work tells the truth and they must and will suppress it. I think she looks like an elegant ass fucking babe, but the very good and amazing people at yt are better people and they know shes offensive. Also that you're dangerous.


You really love dB man lol


Guidelines?? There's no YouTube guidelines. YouTube is a fucking madhouse and they make this shit up as they go. Tides change to the whims of whatever virtue they wanna signal about this week.


Ive never fucked a girl with them laying on their legs like in the thumb nail.... but now I wanna try! Ladies?....


Nice choice of words! 😂 YouTube has become the definition of hypocrisy.


There are so many tasty women in here. 😊😁


And I wish one off them would write to me here. You know? Also why can't i reply to Deadbug?


When i try to swipe left on your comments in the android app, then it does not show the arrow and 3 dots, like with all other patreon. But atleast you can see my comments and reply.


like everything else Google touches once it was bought out by then it turned to complete and utter shit and I cannot wait for the day a new social media video sharing platform overtakes YouTube and makes it the Myspace of video sharing sm. I meant to ask if your channel is monetized but I've always just assumed it's not because no doubt they would have demonetized you by now (regardless if justified or not and would have givin you some bullshit lame excuse as to why they did it.) Hell they demonetized everyone they watch stuck in contracts with, AKA their ringers. (Think Logan Paul🤮 matt santo🤮 (sic?) Cutie pie🤢) it's deplorable that google/yt require people to create content that profits only google/yt and their shareholders that quite frankly deserve none of that profit! and I feel like it almost may be worse that we continue to let them get away with it... ugh grrrr! but I mean, fuck man, they've got us by the balls and they know it... 😠😠 If hell exists there's a special place for those greedy fuckers in it!👹 It makes me sick that when it comes to creativity this would not be tolerated in any other place, nor in any other way in the art world but yet it's common practice on fucking YouTube! Actually, let me rephrase... fuck common practice, its REQUIRED on YouTube😠😠😠😠😠🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😠😠😠😠 My apologies, as is I tend to get pretty worked up about this shit. - In my opinion the thumbnail was appealing, eye catching. people would see it n it would catch in the algorithms. and I assume they're not making any money off of you, so they want to keep that algorithm space open for somebody they do profit on, hence why they pulled it. THOSE GREEDY FUCKS CAN EAT A BAG OF DICKS!!! 🛍️🍆🍆🍆THEY CAN EAT A FUCKING BARREL OF THEM!!! 🛢️🍆🍆🍆