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It does disgust me how these media outlets jump on the bandwagon and protest to care when you kinda get the felling if gassing Jews people a thing again they’d rip throw together an anti Jew playlist. These companies are now chasing the wind and in my opinion the the tail of the dog is now wagging the dog.




Couldn’t agree with you more DeadBug


Hi DEADBUG HI LEGION. I think that the bandwagon has run off down the hill and it's not going to stop, ⛔🎬✋LFNL 😎


Anything put out now is going to look forced, awkward.but no matter how difficult.. Hold on, just scrolled down a bit further in the news:it's Courtney cox's birthday! Aww! She's in a bikini going for a swim! That's nice. Oh, look, some bint off the telly is showing us the insides of her new fridge! She's used her label maker so her silly husband doesn't eat a raw sausage instead of a banana! Aww! What's this? North Korea.. Bombs.. Blah blah blah ooh that selfie of of that bloke who was in that thing etc etc etc


Ahhh, LeftFlix... Takes about 10 min to figure out their left leaning propaganda in every show they make. It makes me sick already and I'm just starting to hate them all. I already canceled cable 9 yrs ago and tossed my antenna 4 yrs ago. I don't sub to LeftFlix, but can use an account if I so chose. I often go with Amazon, although they've done the exact same thing. I'm just over it all. The virus, the riots, the NOT ALLOWED TO GO BACK TO WORK. Lol, this shit is ALL making me go back to my hating all people roots. Lol!


Exactly, im getting sick of banks using it as a excuse for poor service, due to the corona virus we are not taking calls.....ummmm really?


They are now canceling OUTDOOR festivals and Fairs, big and small, that small businesses and crafters have been doing for years. Our small soap company makes a couple thousand on a weekend show (it's also about $800-1000 for a table) and all the big spring home and flower shows were canceled. But then they started w the outdoor summer Fairs and festivals, farmers markets, etc.. These are large outdoor areas that would fit FAR less people than ANY ONE of these protests they are allowing. Yet, they've All been canceled. It's crushing us. My boss text me yesterday saying 2 big fall shows have now canceled & my September going back day may have to be pushed to Oct. I have 19 weeks left of unemployment. I'm fucked w a capital F if the big Christmas shows cancel. I told her I'll set up a tent in the driveway of our shop and sell out there, lol! She said she just doesn't have it to pay me. She bought a bldg 2 or 3 yrs ago, then the city gave her a hard time about a store front bc the NOT public bathroom wasn't handicap and she'd have to do a lot of renovation to make it so. Even though she only has one employee and I ain't handicap... Lol, I'm deaf, but my hearing aids fit through the door so... Lol! I love my job, I'm going to cry if I can't go back. It's so hard to find a job that offers "mothers hours" these days, like being home for your kid when he gets out of school is a fucking irresponsible thing to do or that I'm less likely to work hard?! Part time is part time, no matter what the reason. They just keep working at destroying the family unit & it works. I guess. For them. I'm just over it. If people can protest by the hundreds of thousands, fuck these closing, let's get back to damn work. Maybe if people went back to work, they'd have less time to destroy shit. Kinda hard to go back to a job someone decided to burn down, though. Its just out of control, people bending over and taking it right in the ole pooper. It's embarrassing already.


Also, I'd love to see an independent film version of LeftFlix or Amazon Video. That'd be so awesome... But probably get shut down immediately. Can't have wrong think out in the world. Submit, or be taken out 🙏!! I say 🖕 that


Im sorry to hear about your job, but I agree with you totally and was just thinking that yesterday, allot of these fuckers are just bored, lets get people back in work and they certainly will feel less like destroying shit on the weekend!


Yup. Same propaganda on Amazon, Pinterest and TicTok. You can even find it on shopping site like Target and WalMart (in US) It’s like a big bowl of eat sh#*. Sever it up to the masses.


I've noticed that too


That's what you're getting here from Deadbug! Independently produced professional quality 30 minute show every week with no commercials. (Plus another 30 minute podcast every weekend.) For less than a cup of Starfucks coffee no less.


Patreon just joined the madness of donating 50k to an organization that donates millions to the Dem party. They just sent an email to my inbox telling how diverse they are. Good for you, fuck off, while you ban people for wrong think. The whole world has turned into knee bending hypocrite fucks. I'm so sick of it.


It’s corporate preemptive capitulation.


I'm just tired of everything right now. Yes BLM but all lives should matter. This rioting and burning down businesses....what's the point


It should piss off any responsible, hard working, taxpayer who is being made to stay home and not provide for their families while these people loot, riot, and protest in mass. Most of these people are likely on some type of government assistance (taxpayer assistance) and they continue to destroy shit for which the taxpayer will also be funding repairs. It’s a shame that the government will get behind and support these clowns while turning their backs on those who are ultimately paying their salaries. I’m about ready to stop paying taxes and I wish everyone would get on board. The only way to get a point across to these assholes is to hit them in the wallet. When they have no funds coming in, I bet they’ll listen to us then.


Every social media sight is pushing the narrative from YouTube suggestions to Instagram to target shopping app. Don’t understand why businesses need to join the bandwagon and just remain a business and not politically active. This is a full blown media narrative with tons of flaws and all the BRAINDEAD sheep are following along not even realizing that through their shameless virtue signaling, that the implications of their actions are the complete collapse of our society. The American media is bloodthirsty for a civil war and come election time they just might get it.


IN france you would be triald as an anti-cemite just for your comment ( above ) in France you are not allowed to talk about jews and there is a law called "Gayssot Act " that forbidden to study and have a different point of view than the official history of the second world war but especially talking about the jews, because the truth is very dangerous, cos if not true Israel muss go back to the people who lived there and not a colony in the middle of the world oil fields for a bunch of religious jew mystic liar.... thank you M Rothshield !!! ( I have been to Israel and the Israeli told me that nobody believes in the religion it is a a excuse to occupy the region !!! it is a Apartied colony of suprematist