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In this episode I seek about JK Rowling transphobic remark, I recommend a book, talk riots and the abysmal viewing numbers of last nights joint!





nota fan of what the unabomber did, but his manifesto is not crazy. Check out "the systems neatest trick". It really describes exactly what is happening. Guess the guy wasnt called a genius for nothing....


Yeah the same shit is happening here in the U.S . We even have pussy cops taking a knee for the BLM mob. Then you have stupid white liberals literally kissing black people boots for forgiveness. I guess people enjoy living the life of a cuck.


One of the cops said he will regret taking the knee for the rest of his life, I say we scapulas the cops in Minneapolis as a social experiment and give it a year and let's see what happens, it will be like that movie Escape from New York!


Now that Anqueefa is running that city. Pretty sure it will be the real version of escape from NY.


Howdy to all new patreons, if you need any help just ask in the community section! We have fun here, glad to have you on this wild ride with us 😘 🤠


I'm a vet of 2 Culture Wars (insert flashbacks here) fought over free speech/expression. The first in the 80's/90's as a kid when it was the fucking Boomers like Conservative Christian fundies/Dan Quayle/Tipper Gore/C Delores Tucker etc rallying against all that evil Rap/Rock music and violent movies/video games corrupting the youth. They lost. Now we have the Millennial goony bearded, soy boys and blue haired pink hats (whiny cunts the Boomers birthed and raised) moaning about media in general and mostly imagined "isms", wanting Orwell's 1984 to be an instruction manual. The left usually win The Culture Wars, hopefully this is one they lose but I'll be honest, they've racked up a lot of wins. That book you mentioned is correct in that they eat their own but they also have short attention spans, quickly forget and move on to the next "outrage of the week". Win/lose, this will be my last culture war (I'm getting too old for this shit) but what the Millennials fuck up, may eventually be corrected by Gen Z, as they were raised by Gen X (best gen prove me wrong) and they're proving to be just as sarcastic, anti-Authoritarian and annoyed by the fun police as we are/were.


YouTube and their shadow banning. I'm a new patreon. Planning on staying here brother!


Hi deadbug , Legion....(( I didn't receive a notification...Fuck you tube ) and your video is great....thanks Deadbug


Agree with u 100%,DB - worlds gone crazy. Part of me wants to stay locked down and jus keep away from all the madness 🤦🏻‍♀️ Great podcast tho, your stuff is sumthin to look forward to! Hope you and yours are doin ok during all of this, and the rest of Legion too.


I turned off my TV many years ago . FEARPORN and disinformation is their specialty .


Those who destroyed the statues, looted and set fires etc all need a bullet to the temple.


Surprised his sign didn't read "Black lives matter follow me on Twitter and Instagram @VirtueSignallingBellend01"


Yeh I agree if we had the resources and the money of course I'd say all welcome who with a heart wouldn't? No one is in control of where they are born and some people aren't in a position to escape their life if hell. If you were born in Iraq and had children are you telling me you wouldn't risk clinging to a boat for a better, safer life for you and your kids? Of course you would I would too. You're spot on DB about these posh little privately educated mummy's boys still living at home in a 7 bedroom house with a lawyer father and surgeon mother with no life experience, children or responsibility saying "COME ON IN" I'd welcome anyone if it was feasibly possible but I live in Manchester, England and you're right again I can't get a doctors appointment for love nor money. We can't even look after our own in this country We have soldiers who fought for this country living on the fucking streets without a pit to piss in where's the protests for that? Yeh that doesn't fit their virtue signalling agenda whatsoever does it? We have to look after our own first and yeh afterwards if we can then help others also but before we open the boarders and have a mass free for all and let everyone in we have a hell of a lot of people in this country who are struggling and need help and we're born here.


As I posted that you mentioned Lily Allen I won't, I can't if I start on her I'll have to book the week off work don't mention that bitch again DB hahaha.