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Please not this is not a political film, this is a film I made based on my hatred of police, I grew up in an inner city ghetto and saw more than one abuse of power on the part of those who are supposed to serve and protect. 

I got a pretty healthy helping of hate in the comments section of YT because people figured I should have focused more about Floyd's criminal activities in the past most notable his home invasion and apparently holding a Knife to a pregnant woman. In the film I mentioned his charges and jail time for a home invasion, Im pretty sure most people know how a home invasion is a pretty serious crime. Also clearly you can see at the end, far from glamorising this people looking, iim showing them at the worse. I did have a line in the film "Black lives mater and so does Gucci" while showing all this black people running out of Gucci with designer stuff but I know this is a sensitive subject with people and with wounds so fresh I don't want to be flippant.

At no point in this film do I mention racism, or black lives matter or do I mock any political affiliations because I respect everyones political views (I really do).... although I hate Justin Trudeau LOL. Remember although my Dad is American I am an outsider looking into America, I no longer live there so it is hard for me to see it like Americans do.

Anyway I post this here not for people to fight (no politics please), I post this here because I don't think cops should act the way they when they killed this guy, maybe that is my weakness,  but as it is my film, just put up with it!

Enjoy Or Not






Does Gucci really matter though? Overpriced (over 1k for a pair of fucking jeans!), tacky shit for people with more money than brains. But I too grew up in a lovely little shithole surrounded by hateful cops though so I've got your back there DB.


Thanks man, Ive only ever used the cologne ca't imagine wearing shit like that and be able to walk through the old neighbourhood without taking a shitkicking!


I find in interesting the negative feedback, people saying I have gone woke and im going to take one knee, it makes me sad people think this is okay.


Powerful joint again DEADBUG.. I Havent seen many ppl kill with such calm determination than Chauvin..All while keeping eye contact to cameras.. Floyd looked like he knew to wait something like this to happen/Or maybe afraid Chauvin himself to come. I dont hope death for him,but if he dies in prison,i do hope he dies with a broomstick up his ass, all alone and crying for his mama.


Hey Deadbug,,this was a great film,,first time I saw the video of George being killed,,it was horrible!!! I live in what most consider a small town less than 100,000 but it wont be long until it's considered a large city,,ppl keep moving here*unfortunately* anyway I haven't been around the racism that goes on in the large cities we do have a few asshole cops here but most of them are pretty nice,,my daughter was arrested for a warrant she had because she didnt pay a traffic ticket when they came to the house to get her they were very nice they let her change her clothes & didnt handcuff her until they got her outside so not to upset her son,,they even thanked us for locking up our dogs,,we have 2 large dogs that do not like strangers,,and stood & talked to our grandson while waiting on my daughter. But I've come across a few asshole cops who don't last long here,,of course with more ppl moving here that will probably change. Sorry I talk a lot before your video I hadn't watched the video of those cops killing George & didn't know about his past crimes,,,no matter what his past *we all have done things in our pasts* was they did not have the right to take his life!! Those cops jobs are not to kill ppl unless provoked,,a person not dropping a weapon or shooting at them ect.,,they should be treated as any of us would have been. I just dont understand why ppl burn their communities & loot*rob* the stores,,it only makes them look bad to the rest of the world,,yes I know some ppl will argue that with me but I'm not saying anything to argue I'm just a person who was raised in the middle of Wyoming & the only ppl some of us picked on were the cowboys but that's sonething else entirely. Sorry I digress anyway I guess coming from where I do & not seeing the racism like a lot of people have & do everyday I so I don't understand how a cop can kill another human & enjoy doing it,,I DO NOT see ppl as black brown white yellow pink whatever I see people but if ur going to put yourself out there looking & acting like a jerk I'm going to treat you as one! Damn my grandson came in & I lost what I was saying!! Thank you for being a standup guy!! Keep doing the right fuckin thing,,just realized I censored myself,,gotta get used to being able to write like I talk,,grandson first word was fuck!! Keep fighting you have your legion behind you all the fuckin way!!! Luv ya man!!!


Fukkin’ another well put together and riveting short.


Shit I never wanted to see that video again but here I am, crying again. I remember watching it when it first came out. I was SCREAMING at them that they just killed him! And to everyone that is condoning it by saying he wasn't a good man, that he was a felon and he did drugs and blah blah blah, I didn't think trying to spend a fake bill warranted a death penalty? Stupid fucks. And to watch my pussy prime minister too scared to say anything against Trump.... fucking disgraceful. Another great job DB.


Oh ya, and check out a Joe Rogan podcast with Michael A. Wood Jr. An ex cop that explains just what it is to be a crooked cop because he was one. Excellent interview.


Just watched this, first time. In my defense, I've not watched daily news since that nude Vietnamese girl ran screaming down the road, burned by Agent Orange. Other than some episodes of 20/20 or 60 Minutes, I've kept up with the world thru newspapers and all the news mags. One more qualifier, I'm retired RN with specialities in, ER and ICU. I didn't want to watch something so current. When I saw that evil bastard kneeling on Floyd's neck, I was nearly transported there! With ANY training at all, he knew where his knee was! A neck does not feel like a skull. And the look of satisfaction, when he stares down at Floyd, is one of the more monsterous I've been unlucky enough to see. I can only think the Nazis looked like this when they were partying! Heard myself yelling "you're killing him, get off his neck you bastard!". And literally trying to run over there to shove him off. Understand, please, that having met all kinds of cops, I have nothing but love for the blue line. After all, when not in donut shops, they hang out in ERs, and usually bring donuts. Also nurses and cops are some underpaid, underappreciated, overworked cousins. I know he's the bad apple, but w


Watching this has destroyed something profound in me. Thanx for your excellent film and for this platform. A place to lay some of this down. I love you, Deadbug!


It later came out that the officers acted as they had been trained. Why weren't higher up held accountable