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To all new members, if a song in on of my joints appeals to you please let me know and I will upload for your enjoyment. This great band also do a LEGION perennial favourite "Die With You"

Band: Quality Drugs

SONG: Follow You Down

Enjoy Or Not




All the songs appeal to me dude. Liking this one mate (did I use that term right? Mate == bro/dude?)


Yeah lol, if your English, mate is a general term you use, you call your friends mate but you use it as a general greeting, postman hand you a letter you say "Cheers mate" or "Nice one mate" it is kinda like saying dude. So yeah mate.... you used the word properly, funny thing is I have been in England so long, id be out of place if I went back home.


Thank you Deadbug!! It's perfect for the joint.


I'll try to call you "mate" but if if slip with "bro" once in a while that's cool right? Also, did you remember to make sure to call your mum today? That counts for Maria and Tabby too! Also happy mother's day to Tabby, Mell and Moe (Stacey)


Michael, it took me a while to you use the term "mate" I have a good friend/mate in Aussie...took me a while to get used to it but he's the Best mate I've ever had. 😊


My friends and I call each other Bro, Bruv or Fam, so anyone of those is acceptable.


Sherry I've read a few of your comments and I'd be pleased to call you "mate". I read a lot of James Clavell as a kid and he used the term "Cobber" to identify other Australians like Mell so that is when I realized other countries had a different term than "dude". I can't really where I was going with this had too much bourbon tonight!


And Deadbug, hey if I call you "DB" or "Bro/Dude/HomeSlyce/Mate" that makes sense right? I try to throw some respek on it


I'll try to use "fam" I'm bad at keeping up with the terms you kids use nowadays


Home slice would not be something anyone I know uses but sure LOL


Yeh I'm pretty sure that's one I made up. But maybe I can use it on this page from now on ha!


Thanks Mike 🤗 and I have heard of home slyce Lol that's from the hood 🤘🏻




No judgement here I been in hood, basically still in the hood,just don't leave my apartment lol


Love it.


Love this. Thank you, Deadbug!!


i hear the quality but cannot feel the drug...hopefully lol thanks D-bug


HELP!!! New Patron. How do I reply or respond to people? Thanks.


I'm new and a total music slut. Could you by chance do, "we used to be cool" from murder by design#20? One of my favorite aspects of your videos is at the end when the music comes on and you use visuals. It's very moving and I adore it! Oh and I was stoked to find so stoked there was a link for tidal wave in one of your videos! Thank you! You always have top notch songs!


I should be here already just scroll down, I have posted it multiple times, let me know if you can not find it.


fallen leaves and die with you are my favorites so far.


Gotta say, this song has been played quite a few times since you put it up here DB...thanks a tonne😁


I'm so thankfull that you leave a download option! I exhausted all my sources trying to get this song into my work playlist


I love this song 😍😍


This Song is the shit, DB.