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Be There Or Be Square!



Saturday's Teaser



ALREADY with the never-before-seen footage (for me anyway)... I just love the idyllic scene and music sprinkled with blood-spattered carnage, the classic DB constrast-for-perspective.


Does this mean that they have released "the basement tapes". ? if so, ill make sure to watch it .. been wondering about those tapes for years.. Cheers !


IM SOOO EXCITED 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 i always learn so much more about these cases from DB’s videos bc he adds details I would’ve never been able to find on my own through research. I’ve been really into this case and I’m so pumped to see deadbugs take on it!!!


I love this about DB’s style, the eerie home video footage always sets the scene so well!!


I remember when this happened. I knew long before it happened something like it was going to happen one day. Bullying was getting bad years before it happened. Back in the late 80's I was a victim of bullying. I was a little long hair metal head, and there were a group of jocks that like to show off in front of their cheerleader girlfriends by picking on the little long haired guys and the potheads. School staff looked at it as "Boys being boys" and would just tell you to "Ignore them and they will leave you alone" attitude. Teachers would even find it funny as you was getting smacked, shoved, spit on, peppered with spit wads during class, other teachers wouldn't do anything. Especially when it came to their best athletes. I was detained 3 times because I would skip school to avoid the bullies. I knew the day this happened it was a result of bullying. It led to changed to policy to how bullying is handled. Even though they have become draconian in their approach. Even the school theater prop department had to dispose of toy guns, and prop weapons of any type isn't permitted as part of costumes worn during Halloween. Afterwards kids were forbidden to wear trench coats and camo fatigues. I live in Appalachia where theres lots of rural areas and people hunt so wearing camo is a popular thing. I have a very substantial collection myself and a few trench coats for the colder winter months. I started working as a school custodian approximately 3 years after I graduated high school. We now have drills for active shooters I have seen the changes that have taken place since this Columbine event happened. Many of the school shootings today are inspired by the Columbine incident sadly. There have been reports of chat rooms of kids who glorify the Columbine shooters and idolize them. I remember reading a report where a 14 year old shot up a playground killing a 5 or 6 year old. He told the sheriff that he was involved in such a chatroom and he wanted his moment in fame to recorded as the youngest school shooter. The kid also stole his dads gun and killed his dad while he was watching television and stole his dads truck to drive to the school that morning.


I will see you Saturday.


DB always gives new details on these well known cases that IV never heard before, I'm super excited to see this one!


No way!!! I'm listening to Sue Klebols book (audio) right now! Can't wait to see this!


Really excited to see this. I still cant beleive Patrick Ireland survived. (The guy you see getting pulled out of the window.)


Dillons mother talks about them in her book. She saw them all. She also talks about what the shrinks say about them too.


contrast-for-perspective. I'm glad I know that term now since it's one of those things that I subconsciously know is what is happening when I see it but didn't have the words to explain it. Gonna curl up with Monkey and Moe on Saturday to watch this?


Lol, more like stay curled up with Monkey and Moe til Saturday. These are getting better and better so I'm truly excited for this one!


I’m so looking forward to seeing how you present this. It’s always irked me that it seems every “creator” in the “true crime community” stays as far away from the Columbine shooting as possible and don’t even want to allude to anything related to it, as if it’s some taboo shit and not an extremely tragic and impactful, historical event. My year 12 economics teacher in high school lived there during that time and his son went to Columbine High School. He told us about his experience that day and, fuck, man, you could see how much it still haunted him 11 years later, and his son hadn’t even been injured. He was a professor at the University of Denver at that time and I’m not sure if the fact that he stepped down as a University professor to become a fucking High School teacher (yes, in a different state, Arizona, but still) after the shooting makes him insane, masochistic, brave, caring, or what... Haha. He was an awesome teacher though and seemed like he was probably just an awesome guy in general too.


I can’t wait. But, I am torn between the tragedy of what happened and why those girls can’t feel those rageing murfs. 😕