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Still a work in progress that I thought I would treat everyone with this (very rough) extended preview as we are all shut ins and this is one of the benefits of being here, this may change but this is the first half of Saturdays joint.

Do let me know what you think.






I'm sure this one will "go down well" (giggity) on You Tube... 🤗


It's quite apparent from the final photo that Wiggington never missed a meal in prison; talk about a waddling Land Whale...


I have a gay aunt. I remember my mother and her trying to keep it from us as kids, but she always looked masculine. A neighborhood kid told me she overheard her mother saying my aunt was a lesbian, so I found out when I was 10. She's also been with the same woman since then, too. We call her R z. Short for Arlene. A second aunt.


Im only stating the facts, if people don't like the facts they can visit Criminally Fisted 😂


I was hoping this was a diss vid for Rob Dyke haha. Still top notch, but maybe oneday...


I hope that title doesnt get you in trouble... somebody is going to complain dont want you to get a strike.


Lol oh jeez DB, the title may be asking for a strike but you don't have many right now, right? Looks great so far though! As Matt said I was wondering if it was going to be a diss on Rob dyke haha. You gota at least slip a subtle diss in somewhere 🤣😋


I think you did an awesome job Deadbug. I can't fathom her drinking his blood. Lil' Missy Dyke (no disrespect) sure did get big after she was released. I wonder whose blood she sucked then.....lol


Thanks DB! Can't wait to see the rest. This is gonna be awesome!! You really do spoil your Legion. 😃👍🏻💖


Well Dyke is a term they use and all over youtube, so I'm not sure who it would be a strike.


A strike for what though? the woman is a dyke, she killed someone, death by Dyke


Hopefully no one. But I'm sure someone will be crying that it's bullying. The homosexual community SJWs are going to be claiming it's a hateful slur to Lesbians. Lol But being half gay ill go ahead to be first to say it's looking awesome. :) If people can't see the irony or take a joke, fuck em lol


Since I already did a video on that fat fuck mocking him, many would say one too many.


lol @ the 3 hungry hungry hippos sittin' in the backseat!


Loving the dramatic reconstructions. Any Aussies among us watch out for wiggington. The fat fuck looks like she’ll always be hungry.


Is Dyke the official terminology? 😂 honestly not sure. I think the content is great, I just think someone is gonna see that title and automatically report it.


Yeah Matt it is official terminology. I may have to change now anyway because one of the cases the woman weren't Dykes. As for people flagging and me posting to appease that. People flag pretty well everything I do, if I start making content based on fear of that then I become Rob Dyke or one of those other limp dick channels. All I can do is hope I don't receive a strike but I don't create thinking "What will not incur people anger?


So...lol...why was he covered in shit?


I was so enraged when you said 'amigos' not 'amigas' that I reported everyone here


Just for the record. I don’t give a flying fuck who gets offended and your free speech ways are why I’m a fan. I googled it. It is an official term. I guess it’s like calling somebody Mexican as a slur even though they are Mexican 😂. Anyway, I could just sense somebody getting pisses about it. See ya Later 👏


I have artwork if he ever makes that one https://www.patreon.com/posts/36163530