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Take time to realise that although being shit in is tough, there are tougher ways to be shut in!

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The Utah Cave story gave me a massive amount of anxiety 😖


Omfg DEADBUG this one really got to me 😪 my feeling were everywhere first I got goosebumps wen you compared Anne Frank to the whinny Hollywood bitches😏 then the last one of the poor Child dying 😭 all never forget her eyes the first time I seen that footage her black dying eyes always getting me crying like a baby 😭😪


Awesome post Deadbug. I remember that little girl at the end, heartbreaking.


I'm loving these 'nature' type episodes. Shows mother nature is the biggest serial killer out there, if ya think about it.


I used to go caving (spelunking) in my younger days and so the story of the Utah cave really creeped me out. I always got anxiety when entering a new cave system, especially non-commercial caves located on private property since I wasn’t ever sure just how far they went or how many directions I could end up going in them. I took precautions like tying off rolls of string to follow back in case I got disoriented but it was always risky regardless. That’s not the kind of dark, tight, wet place I want to get stuck in.


What the F. are you thinking when you decide to crawl in that kind of tunnels?!


That poor child at the end...how horrible to die that way, and on live tv. So sad. The caves gave me a sense of claustrophobia just watching him trying to slide between the boulders. People are fucking crazy. Thanks DB I needed that. Been a hectic time this way.


I was in front of my tv when this poor child sink into the abyss


Dang this was sad great upload


Hey Jenise, how are you? And thank you!


This one pulled the heart strings, and also gave me some claustrophobic anxiety


Late but here. I hate to sound heartless but if I can say this in front of any group of folks I’m hoping DB your peeps are the ones. Why the fuck didn’t someone just go rogue and shoot that sweet child? It would have been infinitely more humane. I get here in America why something like that wouldn’t happen hell we can’t even shoot our animals here without being called murdering bastards regardless if they’re suffering every single day from some horrifying disease but there was nothing she was trapped under a concrete wall they couldn’t do anything. I’m sorry but I guess I would of had to go to prison because I’d of had to kill her. I would’ve just fucking killed her. It’s ridiculous that we can’t have compassionate death legally. There’s no compassion about what happened to that child. I’m shutting up