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Just wanted to assure you Deadbug that not all of us Aussie chicks are "butch"... I for one am a fan of the "c*ck" hahaha 😜 give it to me anytime of day or night 😉


I can't believe that fucking arsehole said "This guy is so ugly"! What a fucking disrespectful cocksucker! Luckily I'm not part of the butch population here in Australia! I think that's part of the reason I'm a home body......I'm too scared to venture out! Awesome work from the insanely talented DB again! Thanks DB, your hard work is very much appreciated 🤟💕


Of course, it's all in good fun! I'm sure there will be some dickhead that takes offence but that's their problem, not yours!


I mock all countries equally, although if any of my family in Oz saw that Im not sure id be invited back LOL


I really enjoy your joint Deadbug. Thank you. You always tell about stories that I never heard of. That poor kid Tristan, they couldn't even let him rest in peace. Somedays, I would really love to go hunting for the pervs that destroy kids lives. IDK, it must be the mothering in me. I cant stand kiddie rapist and it can bother me more on certain days than most. Perhaps being isolated is getting to me too.


These people who do this thing are clearly soulless monsters, anyone who would harm a child.


Wow. Those were pretty sad. That last one though, heartbreaking.


Dead bug was watching this video Just about half way through it, and it struck me " I wonder if deadbug is a sin city fan? Now I have asked, back to the video, cheers


My question to you will probably answer your question? Is Sin City a Video Game? Im sorry Im pretty useless, I have heard people mention it before.


It's hard to believe that a person of your calibre has not watch the classic film - sin city - a classic it is, I highly recommend it, I do not know if it was made into a video game? Maybe?, Great video!


Damn I feel you have public ally shamed me lol, I will try to find it and watch it on your recommendation. Unfortunately David I’m not a television or movie watcher, I read, I should try do it more but I stare at a screen so much I’m all stared out at the end of the day.


No probs, you take it easy, always looking forward to watching your next video x


Thank you David talk soon my brother.


I agree with you Deadbug that they are soulless monsters. Poor Tristan after all this time no one was held accountable. I wonder if more children were sliced up like he was. I'm glad that Theresa's brother (hope I remember the name correctly) was able to piece together other possible victims. What sucks is our judicial system over here in the US. A lot of times the DA/prosecutors wouldn't take child victims cases....stating that the victim was too young and etc. All bunch of poppycock at times. Yes, I understand their outlook but sometimes the kid is really a good witness. I used to be a sexual assault advocate and I have had training in the area of child abuse. Sorry, I'm venting...but IF anyone were to harm any of my grandkids...


Sin City is a Quentin Tarantino flick?, black and white. I seen that years ago. I'll have to watch that again. Is that the one where an actress has a machine gun for a leg??


Sorry sherry, you are describing a different movie, - planet terror- to be exact, one of my favorite Tarantino all time movie's


"His head was the size of a little toe nail. " hahaha. There's always one line i love there most during your joints. Last video "molten Lava bukkake to the mother fuckin masses" 🤣 If i compiled a coffee table like book with favorite DEADBUG quotes from each joint, would anyone be down to buy it? Then I'll send the proceeds to DB. (I know im super late to the party so I'll post it on the community tab too.)


(Had to copy and paste since i put this comment on the wrong video originally 🤦‍♀️) "His head was the size of a little toe nail. " hahaha. There's always one line i love the most during your joints. Last video "molten Lava bukkake to the mother fuckin masses" 🤣 If i compiled a coffee table like book with favorite DEADBUG quotes from each joint, would anyone be down to buy it? Then I'll send the proceeds to DB. (I know im super late to the party so I'll post it on the community tab too.)


That would be cool especially if you could add graphics or pictures from some of the videos produced. (if it were possible) I'm wondering if anyone in our group is an artist and could contribute? That would be awesome!! I'm on a tight budget but how much money would you be asking? just wondering


It would be awesome if Deadbug's joints were made into a graphic novel - girl A comes to mind. Then the quote, "Easy Peasy Japenesy," comes to mind - I was saying that a lot several months ago. lol 😆


Ohh yes, I looked it up on the IMDb page..Bruce Willis is in the movie....I think I seen that many moons ago. lol I like Tarantino's films. 😊


Not positive yet, my sis works in a printing warehouse and i know they used to make those books people send it stuff and they bind them into a nice book. It was all the rage for awhile. I cannot remember the company's freaking name but i think it had the word fish in it? I was thinking i would post a picture from each case (or one of the cases talked about in the episide) itll take a bit to compile the info but watching deadbug for research... poor me🤣😁🤘 Even if i can't get it done for a good price i think it'd be fun to have that and potential just make a not hard back for cheaper for anyone who doesn't want to pay for the more expensive hard back. But my sis has really bad untreated anxiety and hasnt been writing back to my texts for a couple days. Guna have to make it a mission for later today