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You only have to turn on the news to see if you piss Mother Nature off she will fuck you up!


Thank you for being here.







Awesome. And the gift of Blues Saraceno, too. Great video on the tsunami. A lot I hadn't seen before. Lightning on the plane, also outstanding. Thanks for the upload :)


This was soooo good! I say it every week but you always reset the bar for yourself, I knew all of the reports but you made them seem NEW. Proud to be your patreon! 😘


Bravo DB....that was seriously fucking awesome! Your commentary was hilarious once again & even though the situations were dire I was laughing! That silly bitch with the blow fly glasses evacuated from St Helens, "we pay our taxes & I would like to use my property, I'm not scared". Hopefully she did find a way in before the mountain blew it's hot load!! Many thanks DB! You the fucking man 🤟💕


He just keeps getting better & better! It blows my mind that someone so good already could improve! DB is insanely talented!


Woke up to go to the toilet at 3am, found a DB upload, could not wait for the morning to watch it. I wasn't disappointed. Loved the humour mixed with philosophy and the choice of music, Another masterpiece. Now going back to sleep . Thank you DB.


The fucking weather scares me the last few years. Anyone of us could find ourselves in one of these nature fucked fests. Skies sure aint like they were when I was a kid, thats for sure.


That was an amazing collection of some of the most incredible moments from Japan's tsunami I've scene and the narrative and music were great too. The whole presentation rocked my world! The plane crash though-man I hope the people on there passed out (somehow) before knowing what the fuck was happening, those poor souls!


She was so annoying & her glasses were ridiculous! Hope all is well with you Maria 😊


What a show! Deadbug your the shit bro, just wondering.... Why didn't you include the 2004 boxing day tsunami? Anyway keep up the good work. I have to wait till Sunday before i can watch here in South Africa always worth it


I think that tsunami was the ultimate and way scarier than the Japanese one but it a lot more well known and If I used that I would have had to drop one of the other dories because I only have so much time to complete things. I wanted to keep the stories diverse, maybe next time.


Yes she was annoying indeed, hahaha. I'm holding it together, just counting my blessings each day. I hope you are holding out all right girl. There's an end to all this. Big hugs to you 🥰🥰


I really hope the end is near! I'm doing ok & keeping it together as much as I can. It's all we can all do! Big hugs to you to Maria 🤗


God damn on all accounts


Well done Deadbug!! Do you enjoy doing pieces like this?? jw I've never seen any of these Mother Nature events before. Thank you for a different kind of story. I like how you switch things up. I like it. Thank you very much!!


I was going through and editing my pledges and ditching a few that just didn't deliver, not even a dollars worth. I'm telling you, there is dedication to the grind and then there's Deadbug. There are few creators on this platform that deliver not only what's promised, but go above and beyond and the 2 I've stayed with are those, deadbug and Enty Lawyer (completely different podcast subject, but fun just the same and one of the only other creator here I've seen give as much as deadbug does at the same tier level). Just wanted to say thanks Deadbug, you definitely deserve it and more. Unfortunately, my hours were cut quite a bit, but I'm still getting paid my regular pay, I just don't have my extra overtime cash for now, but I'm lucky my boss is paying me bc I can't go in as I have no one to watch my son while school is closed. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and tell you I appreciate all the work you do and stay safe everyone! Looking forward to the Andman interview.. Unfortunately I saw the question post late and any questions I wondered about were asked, lol!


I have said this for many years. "MOTHER NATURE ALWAYS WINS!" She will maintain Her Balance. She knows no things as Good or Evil. These are man made constructs, just like time. She will do whatever She must to support the Balance. I think, finally, we have come to understand that. Unfortunately, it may be too late.


this one was awesome! Thanks, DB!