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Hey LEGION, what is everybody up to? How are things in your neck of the woods? Let's share updates here, what your'e doing, still working, hiding from the germs, let's have a conversation!

I must be the only person who didn't buy into the panic by and it seems that was my mistake because now I can't even find Ketchup not to mention bog roll!



I get off work when people are GETTING to work and always enjoyed the fact that I had the place to myself for the most part, but not lately. I'm an introvert and find people fucking idiots in general, so on the bright side they are my amusement....just get out of my way. And I ain't asking.


I said at the beginning of the year, that Mother Earth will have a Culling


I saw a meme that said, "I just realized even the end of the world was made in China." Frickin' priceless! 😂


I work in sports health. Physical, occupational and speech therapy. We typically see 110 to 130 patients a day. Starting this past Monday we were ordered to cancel all non critical patients. We saw 22 patients today, 20 tomorrow. Because we are "out patient-hospital, we were told today that when (not if) when this escalates. We will be told to report to the hospital to help control the patients. We were not told this, but we figured that once we are at the hospital with all the sick and dying, we will not be allowed to go home. I gotta tell you all, I'm fucking scared. My husband is worried for me and we are not telling my son. There is a picture of a convoy of hundreds of military Humvees in a nearby town.


I'm locked down in NYC


Not doing great as I am high risk and so is my husband. It’s fine if you’re healthy, I wouldn’t be worried about myself if I was. Hoping they will get a vaccine soon for people like me.


I work at an animal hospital and as of now we're still open I'm thinking because it's a giant Corp. So they don't want to risk closing and losing all that money


Ya I'm a dog groomer so were closed and I'm struggling so broke 😢


Been sick not with the scary crap but not been on line for a week...I am an introvert so safe for the most part and have learned never to give my roommate hell over buying in bulk again he buys tp in large amounts so we did not need to worry about that the other stuff like some foods not so easy as for work hubby is working for a cellular company as tech help and they are still open at the moment


Toilet Paper is still scarce here. I mean seriously? Shit Paper. Not food or even Twinkies. Shit Paper. Talk about ass backwards


I'm sorry to hear this. So many small businesses are going to be hurt. {{{{{{HUGGS}}}}}}


In Switzerland we were very well trained to react fast and put everyone in quarantine or any else type of crises because all suisse muss serve in the army or " civil service " ....But now we muss ask the Shengen politics and euro-zone iff we could shut down planes trains and of course the most important THE BORDERS...and we are now still not in quarantine ....So today people are dying getting infected , the shop are closed ( except food and medic AND BANKS ) what I am trying to say is all the problems we have are useless if we are not in a real quarantine !!! A quarantine is horrible for 40 days but after it is finish we have won the CORONA virus!!! So why are we not in a real quarantine , why are the government playing with are lives ?? well the only answer is not incompetency or stupidity...no the answer is the Elite could still do what they want fun and make money and the ordinary people will be strip of a lot of liberty and movement..It is the Orwell world predicted in the novel 1984 ....next heat wave it will be back at electricity shortage and movement ..MARK MY WORD...We are now in a police state run by the finance elite ( banksters ) cos are economy is in free fall


I haven't been able to comment or load the comments for the troll alert vid, wtf is going on with Patreon NOW?! It just keeps saying in Red "Something Went Wrong, please try again later"... I left a few comments on that creepy dudes video on YT. I've been trying to comment on dbs post but can't. 😭


I live in Germany. I’m within 500 miles of Italy northern Region, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Belgium, France. All in all that’s well over 100000 infected and almost 10000 dead that close. We also have a shelter in place order which is all good because I haven’t gone anywhere in the last 2 weeks or more. My condolences to all the poor souls that have died from this unseen enemy!