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Hey LEGION, I hope you are well and enjoy this week's ep of GTKTD, that discuses everything from the power of nudity to the weekly news show that isn't NBC's DATELINE

Enjoy Or Not





What the fuck just happened?!


Yes, Deadbug, I'd really like to hear how after all your work was stolen, you got it done.Did you ever get it back or what happened? I was thinking while you were talking about how you always had to cut stuff out. What about adult swim? I wonder if they'd make you cut facts out too. Your other question about solicitors..I live in the midwest and, no. We dont have them. We do have Jehovah witnesses that come over every fuckin Saturday morning. I'm not naked, but I'm in my pjs. No bra. Whatever. And in the malls the clipboard people want people to do product studies. If you got 4 hrs to waste, then by all means, go to it. They will look for particular types of people. If you make eye contact and they smile at you, turn into the closest store. They dont like taking no for an answer.


Welcome to the Legion family new Patrons! We're happy you've joined the Deadbug party 🤘 "Can it cook a turkey".......fucking gold DB 😂 Btw...you're Scottish accent was spot on! I'm glad you left commercial tv because I love the fact you include photos of victims & all the facts 'undiluted'. When I watch others cover certain cases I have to go to 'BestGore.com' after to find the uncensored photos! I know I'm probably a morbid weirdo but it just fascinates me! Definitely want to hear the rest of the prostitution expose & more about Ant man, your right hand man, your trusty sidekick cos that is some funny shit! Thanks DB. ....you the fucking man 🤘💕


Yeah in the U.S we have fake homeless people begging people for money especially in CA. Then in the U.S you will have telemarketers calling you for stupid shit, especially scammers. You can't get away from these parasites.


Stef is totally tasty 😉 welcome to Utopia, new patreons, we have fun here! 🤠


P.s I’d be happy to intimidate you in my underwear 😉


WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW PATREON.....Hello everyone ( Btw... I like your humor brother and I cannot get enough )


You have a real knack for story telling. Your podcasts crack me up. And yes, please do finish the exposé on prostitution, I'm invested now!


Reminds me of the time the mormins came to my door. I put them through their paces. Hitler. Islam. NASA. Oh it was fun


This was fucking funny!!


IKR I literally have tons and tons of stuff to sink my teeth into. I am so angry with YT taking years to put DeadBug into my feed. And literally all I watch, (well mostly) is True Crime. The only good thing about that, is that I will be busy for awhile, and won't have to wait days for a new weekly joint. :) Very exciting!


YES PLEASE!! Finish the prostitutes story!! I listened to it and I was really interested! I'm mentioning it RIGHT NOW!!! I was just waiting patiently for it, wondering if I didn't know how to find it! Please make the second one!