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This is the master cut of one of my favourite joints and as it is in my top 5 highest ratings on YT I guess some people agree. I enjoy this film on many different levels, first and foremost it is a cautionary tale about how we are lied to and told, hey this world is one big blue marble and everybody loves each other, sadly it isnt. In this film I tried to stay away from the obvious narrative of religion and hate and just stay on the facts.

Please watch even if you have seen it and please discuss.

Enjoy Or Not 



Murder In Morocco I Murder By Design



OMFG this is such a sad story. Thanks for the way you delivered it Deadbug, your talents astound me, you showed so much empathy for these poor girls and their families. This one is definitely in my top 5 of your films. The way you honoured the girls is beyond comprehension for what they had to go through and you finished it with the perfect song. Thank you Deadbug and may these beautiful young ladies rest forever in eternal peace. ✨️💔🌠


Often I am tortured by early childhood trauma. But you know what , the stuff I went through taught me early that not everyone is your friend, and maybe no one is. An. important lesson. People amaze me with their innocence and sunshine version of the world. How do you get to that age without learning about people?


Those poor girls😢! They were just trying to see the world and met the worst humanity had to offer. So sad.


Stef that is for sure the truth these people that got that mind set are not living in the real world the real world is a mean nasty place with evil people around every corner unfortunately thru my life i have seen and lived around these types I have learned to read people pretty good sad that those girls were probably sheltered and lied to about how the real world is and there first real experience with the real world was there last sad a cruel lesson


This is one of my favourites so can’t wait to view the master edition of it. I always remember the podcast you did after this episode where you talked about going to Morocco as well. Grand stuff! 😘


Ooo I wana hear that! I wish there was a way to find all the podcasts in one place to download or stream all of them in a row.


What a great joint Deadbug. It’s unfortunate that we have to keep our heads on a swivel these days, approaching others with caution and a healthy dose of skepticism. However, this tale just goes to show the sheer evil that some people are capable of carrying out against their fellow man/woman. The “blue marble” fantasy is merely that, a fantasy. Reality is much darker and colder. Thanks for sharing as always.


Exactly. Better to be told the hard truth than fed a pretty lie.


The topics of government and religion and the way they so often divide us and enslave us rather than bring us together under freedom reminds me of a great quote by French philosopher, Denis Diderot who said, “man will truly never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”


This one does bring tears to my eyes. I especially love the ending of where the girl is soo playful and innocent. Rose colored glasses... I can only imagine the horror of what these girls went through...the aholes that recorded and posted their final act on earth. The horror of watching your baby girl being murdered on Facebook. Tears shed for these girls and families only for most that choose to wear the rose colored glasses. 😢💔💔😢


Wow DB.....this is so beautifully done. I was in tears 😥 I cannot imagine that happening to my beautiful 24yr old daughter, my heart breaks for their parents 💔 I definitely cannot begin to imagine seeing footage of it happening & knowing it's being watched by thousands of people who then give it a good old thumbs up....dickheads! I probably shouldn't say this but I did have a little giggle when you said "it's like calling 9/11 an office fire". You're awesome at putting these films together. Many thanks 🤘💕


I’m sure it was a podcast and not a ziplock so you should still have it on your podcast feed. Try and make the dates to the upload?


this non-sense policy open borders full of shit, Not only they would maybe survive but first off they would not even have the idea to go to Morocco but even if they had the idea, 1or 2 of those 3 crazy killers lived in Geneva because of this open borders !!! and he was a total misfit no education no work no money so he was easily influenced by the extremist Muslim of Geneva....he was not even Arab or Muslim ....( the euro-zone and open borders is a banking idea forced on the population !!! big business big money cheep labor and creating more offer than demand ,now more and more people muss work for peanut's !!!!! )


Sad story man those guys were straight pieces of SHIT


Great video of course, I will say and have zero fuks for offending anyone that Muzzies suck, most pathetic ideology a stupid man can derive.


They should be killed the same way they killed those poor girls...But they would probably cry and plead for their lives like the bitches they are. Sorry that one got to me.


The app is just all scrolling so I'll have to do it on a browser I think