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Taking a break from prostitutes and And-man this week and talking about the channel and some news events most notably the new threat to our planet, my impressions of China when I worked their and YOUTUBES not giving a shit about death threats..

Joe Rogan Twitter interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbTXqrS9l5E&t=983s

Enjoy Or Not





Just thinking out loud but do you think the person trolling you actually is Pothead Mike?


Also, I know it’s easy to say but hard to do please don’t be sad about the numbers on your channel. You’re far from mediocre and create actual productions, you’re a stand alone on YouTube. You’re Elvis and everyone else is trying to be an Elvis impersonator. We all love you here and think you’re wonderful and very sexy 😘😉😘


Oddly enough I have wondered if him and his so called admirer is or aren't the same person and would certainly add to the bizarress of it all. Who ever it is Im convinced it is the same person.


It is only a matter of time before we see your idea of animating still pictures for effect on the networks television programs. Original ideas of creativity don't seem to come to often to the mainstream broadcast entertainment industry. So yeah it's inevitable that they're going to rape your head, you're a gold mine. Like a teacher in a roomful of retarded pencil licking Rob Dykes. maybe you can patent or copyright it somehow like a logo. So that when they offer up money to use it you can laugh at them and tell them "NO."


What do you think would happen if you blocked Pothead Mike or if we all started flagging his comments etc? Best not to poke the bear?


The problem is that YT does give these people all the power, I have no doubt in my mind that the morons that show up every week and pathetically click the dislike button thinking anyone gives two fucks are people that I have blocked in the past for whatever reason. They cleary come and enjoy my content like everyone else but because I blocked them they are the proverbial person looking in at a party through the window because their not invited. I never should have blocked this STARGAZER who clearly has a screw loose but Pothead mike literally sent me message after fucking message demanding that I block her because she harassed him and his other sycophants and against my better judgment I did and that is when the DEADBUG SIMP shit began. I see hi all the time arguing with her in my comments section and his supporters. He is what he call 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag. Has no problem telling me the stuff he likes and what he doesn't like, was always leading the complaint that I don't have any swag and if I did he'd be rocking every item I put out but when I did guess who bought nothing....... feels he is more important than patrons because he brings me so many fans but at the end of the day, he brings other freeloaders!


Dude in TV I have lost how many times I've been fucking ripped off, companies usually don't hire the creator of a good idea, they copy your idea and hire a buddy.


DB, where´s the link to the interview to the Twitter woman?


Yeah the one at the beginning of the episode that was on the Joe Rogan’s Podcast


I know she’s a nut job but what do you reckon would happen if you unblocked her? It might bamboozle her and she might stop? I try and not engage with Mike at all and I haven’t seen him on your last few videos so maybe he’s gotten the hint? Anyways, happy valentines/ made up holiday day 😘😘😘


I not one for going back on things, it never solves things what it does is gives people more power, fuck the crazy bitch and her idiot online lathario! And yeah best avoid him because anyone who engages with his gets a bus, you don't see it because I delete the shit but its pretty nasty!


Thank you my friend..it's really nice.


Deadbug my 🖤 My nana always told me "if they're talking about ya they're thinkin about ya" that poor thing dyke's soooo Jealous of our brilliant DB Lmao!


This one won't play for me 😳🖕🖤


If any members have issues with video or audios not playing, it's normally because you have a VPN turned on. Turn it off temporarily and they will work instantly! Legion!


Hey DB I don't know if you will read this because it's an old post, but I can absolutely emphasize with you on those people who rise to success in a short time with little quality and fewer talents. I think this must be a common pattern in every industry or genre of work. Look at the most top richest and successful people, most of them are selling cheap crap with no ethical practice..such as Walmart and Target and IKEA.. Same goes with the music industry, you only need to be hungry enough for the prize, there is no need for substance or talent whatsoever. Look at the product called Lady Gaga a fine example of a success story. No originality, ok talent and disposable music. But excel in copying other people's ideas and image but the marketing is done right. I'm sorry to say but the sad truth is that the few creative people with the raw talent don't often get recognition for all the hard work they put in. I wish it was the other way around. Don't let them know your secret ingredients, they are hyenas and vultures! We love you because we know what a fine thing is when we see one.


I 💕you Deadbug , I think your editing is awesome and ur very talented, I’m glad you didn’t give your blinking eyes secret away. Funny thing was that is what pulled me in (narration also) but the blinking eyes in the Suzanne Capper video lol ❤️ your the best !


I'd be a little upset too, Night Docs isn't very good. I actually find him to be pretty cringey. I think it's very funny that he didn't think to research the topic himself. How to make static images move, look into tools like Plotagraph. Maybe he was trying to reach out to make friends with you as well, but it's pretty foolish of him to think that such a thing could be easily communicated to him over private message.


you are the only true crime channel I follow other than Obsolete Oddities and I only have 2 Patreons I'm never disappointed I saw uou lost some subs so I upped my tier.