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We all gotta start somewhere, what was your first job and tell us all something interesting about it. If other let me know what.



I was working as a musician. Over the years I worked in seventeen countries. Italy was my favourite. One time in Florence I threw my bass into the air ... and it didn't come back down. I looked up and it was hanging from the lighting rig by one of its machine heads...


my first job was sucking cock. I mix with the wrong crowd ....and you know the story 😂😂 No seriously my first job was working as metal engineering.....


Come on ChriS no need to be ashamed i think it's a noble way to earn a living 😁👍👍


I lied about my age, I was 14, told him I was 16. I made $2.10 per hour. After school with friends. We had so much fun address labeling junk mail, magazines, small newspapers. And sorting by zip codes. Our super was around 100 years old, shorter then us 9th graders. One time he was fixing the machine that tied bundles, he had his head in the machine, stepped on the peddle and tied his head for shipping. We laughed even him so freakin hard. He walked around with the string around his head for like an hour. The guy was awesome. This was back in 1976. May he be resting in peace.


Hey Matt....👍👍 😂😂 SWISS JIZZ 😂😂 Legion4Ever


My first job was working at a pet store I've always loved dogs and animals my current job is a dog groomer 😁🐕


When I was 12 my mom got me a job after school at the liquor store where she worked stocking the cold storage room where they kept the alcoholic beverages and soda pop. $2.25 hr. I was to much of a nerd to even consider cracking a brew but I drank the shit out of the chocolate milks.

James Herington

The only nice thing about being a newspaper carrier was the tips, tips, tips. The only bad thing was the gnarly dogs :)


My first job in 1998 was a busser at a diner when I was 16. Stole money from the register for coke and got fired... my god that was a lifetime ago... 😂


Hey Kellen ...I did the same at a music festival selling bier, drinks and what not ....( each second coin was going in my pocket )😂😂😂 a lifetime ago, about 20 years.....


My first job was back in 1988, I was aged 20, I was an Area Services Manager for a local authority in the UK. Part of my job was to manage staff who cleaned-up crime scenes (e.g. road traffic accidents etc.). I remember one horrific scene where an employee of a hosiery factory got pulled into a large fabric drying machine after he tried to grab the fabric that was spinning dry after being dyed. These machines were top-loaders, around 2 metres wide at the opening, but the guy left the lid open, hence the accident. Unfortunately, his right arm wrapped around the fabric and at such speed he was partly pulled into and around the open dryer hitting the metal frame supports. The poor guy died instantly. I had to assess the clean-up operation and to be honest, until that point I had seen some gruesome sights but I had never seen brain, skin, blood matter splattered around factory equipment like this before. All I can say is that the most eerie feeling comes over you when you are at scenes like this, you don't feel alone and the whole atmosphere feels of complete dread. You never get those images out of you mind ever. To think of all those years which have passed since then, the images are like photos in the mind and that was just one of the horrific accidents I have witnessed. Legion!


Changing Tires & Oil on Semi's. It was loads of fun, NOT!


To be a pet walker. Happy days


I was your local headshop smoking accessories counselor/adviser as to what product would do the job for you. I think I and Ant man would have def hit it off. lol