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Someone pointed out Rob Dyke is starting a comedy channel, I guess a void needs to be filled now Pewdiepie is gone,I have to say that although he has consistently proclaimed he is the only YOUTUBER who mixes true crime and comedy the few things I have watched of him, besides making jokes about bodily functions and doing impersonations of gay people while gurning Ive never seen any humour. This is the header on his new TWITTER page and as you can see it is hilarious, putting on small gales is always funny. 




6000 subs and no content.


6000 subs out his 3 million subs is absolutely pathetic when you break it down. I don’t even think it’s a full percent. Just goes to show how “loyal” his fans actually are.


Yeah but I've been posting weekly for two years, that fat four eyed fucked hasn't even posted yet.


Comedy is what I do, I started in comedy and comedy is the hardest thing to do because you can't fake it, people laugh or they don't, that fat fuck has never done any remotely funny, and who is going to write this "Comedic content?" Even Pewdiepie has real writers as well as being naturally funny. Putting on an old ladies pair of glasses and repeatedly referencing your vagina isn't going to hold and audience even his geriatric simpleton subs.


You've also been trolled by all the other channels subs and you know you're a diamond in the rough! Would you really want the same subs who follow him to come here, I for one am sure they are mostly snowflakes and posers!


Children and young teens with no concept of quality. 6k subs ... because fat shit floats.


RD is a dork in an annoying way. Pewdiepie is a dork in a hot whiskey drinking, wanna party with him way. But that's jmo.


Tabby Catt, I agree. We don’t want the easily offended and faint of heart coming here messing things up with their sensitive nature. We appreciate the non-sanitized content which is in line with actual reality versus the censored world that YouTube wants everyone to pretend we live in.


I admit before I found Deadbug I was at other crime channels.. once I found him it was like finding gold in a pile of shit!😻😻 this is the best and only place I wanna be!


Great analogy!! My daughter likes pew pew 😂 I'm too old for those type of parties Lol!🤗🤗


Agreed, Tabby.☺ I was recommended here from the now defunct Crime Watch Daily.


This is totally the end of the beginning of the end for him. Guess he’ll be going back to being a private detective VERY soon!


I don't mind Pewdiepie I think he has talent, not what I enjoy but I'm not a kid


Haha I still watch that on TV for background noise 😂 as for YouTube I still watch war docs..


Didn't they rebrand it? They call it True Crime Daily, now. Same old episodes, though.


Not really sure it's too diluted for me 🤦🏼‍♀️


Me neither by no means, I guess I'm just a YouTube cougar


Wanna know what's funny: one of his pupils and eyes looks larger than the other in that picture...he should be "edgy" and change his stage name to "potato head" or "marbles" .


Guess people would called his sort of humour - Dead pan - more dead than pan!


A tale of adventure and woe: Of terrible accents, horrible comedic timing, and granny glasses: I give you Rob Dyke, ladies and gentlemen!


Can we start a donation and send him to Wuhan?! I think he'd fit in well there. He can act like a clown and make the hospitals sick feel better..... About dying. I think a one way would be perfect.


I thought you (Deadbug) were going to block me for posting the Robfatass picture...one of the perks of having Electric Chair tier :)))


Yeah when youre at that level I pretty well gotta put up with your shit!😳


Well he has stated a few times that he is gay, so I guess that him making gay jokes is okay? Hell I don't know, I don't pay much attention to the politically correct or the easily offended side of the interwebs.


I'm old enough where they still classified me as "retarded" when I was dumb as a kid and I fucking LOVED my Mr. Microphone. Also my mother is in a wheelchair (she also loves your show) and I checked her boots, the soles are pretty clean so I don't really see what there is to be offended at you're friggin' hilarious. Plus at the end of your videos when you make sure to tell us how things turned out and show the victims faces it really punches me in the ballsack-strings or whatever the term is. You're a damn talented dude so I hope you keep it up.


Thank, yeah Im old enough to have been considered retarded in school as well, say hi to your mum, you comment made me smile.


Is he gay? I know he puts on his gay voice and queen act which I find very unusual for a gay guy to do.


Thanks Deadbug I know she'll appreciate that. Also, glad to know that someone else put a set of blocks in the wrong order or something when they were 8 and got stuck with the label. We both seem to be doing alright tho


Lol, so I never commented this before, but. Hahaa, I have to now... My dad (step) has been w my mom since I was like 2. He has a brother that was adopted, he's like 50 something, and picture it... I think he's Portuguese, with curly dark hair and some salt and pepper mixed in, big rotund belly, and very retarded. Like 12 yr old level, works cleaning up at CVS level. AND, he thinks he's Elvis, swear to God. Lol! He will wear a silk scarf around his neck, big ole glasses and my mom, God bless her, will buy him some type of Elvis glasses or get up every year. Some even have the porkchop sideburns attached. He talks like Elvis, and by that I mean says Heya Babah, how about a little song... And he'll start singing and twisting, and all the Elvis bullshit any imitation Elvis does, it's absolutely hilarious! My mom, lol, got him an amplified Mr Microphone one yr for Christmas and my God if we all didn't want to kill her after hour of 3 of Elvis nonstop, thru a cheap microphone! Lol! One yr, I had a new bf and forgot to tell him about Elvis, hahahaa!! We get to my parents house on Thanksgiving and out comes Elvis, howya doin, babah?! My bf looks at me and laughs, and says ok, buddy, how ya doing? Then as Elvis goes on and on, he's like ok, ok, dude, gotcha, you're Elvis... Then I see he's getting like oh this old already, lol, he's ready to be like Get the fuck outta my face dude... So I say Oh hey... He's like what did your mom do, hire this guy?! Keep in mind, my mom had huge Halloween parties with themes, etc.. And still has life size Freddy, Crypt Keeper, Wicked Witch, and a few more out all yr... I'm laughing so hard I can't talk, so my mom comes out to see if we need help bringing shit in, and he's like WTF is going on? My mother was like YOU DIDN'T TELL HIM ABOUT Les? Elvis real name is Lesley. I was like Nooo. Hahaha, I forgot, and he thought u hired him, lol! And Elvis, obvious, is still singing, spinning and happy as a MFer, lol! Every time Dead Bug mentions Retards and Mr Microphone, I think of our special Elvis and laugh. Unfortunately, in the last 2 yrs his health has declined and he's had to go to a grp home after my dad's parents passed, and he wouldn't eat, go to work, etc for ANYONE, no matter what the fam did, and he lost like 50lbs. He's doing really well now, in the grp home. He doesn't sing much Elvis though since his parents have passed, sadly. Thought you'd get a chuckle out of that story tho. Lol!


I definitely did get a chuckle thank you for sharing. I'm sorry to hear that he doesn't sing much anymore (I mean I imagine there benefits to you of not having a middle aged Portuguese man poorly singing Elvis songs but it sucks if that's what he loved haha) If he ever starts performing again make sure to let me know my birthday is coming up and I'm on a budget! And CVS is the way to go. I tried to get into Walgreens but they just said they don't hire retards and started playing "Don't come around here no more" by Tom Petty...


he’s never heard deadbug then… or small town murder… dark topic… etc. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂 he seems like a giant douchenozzle.


there is only one DEADBUG. “nice… fuckin nice” 💯🔥


Thank you my friend , if you are having any issues with over stuff try watching through the browser not the app.