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This is part of my remaster series of my films where the audio is of a higher standard with other slight improvements.



Ted Bundy was an American serial killer who kidnapped, raped, and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1970s and possibly earlier. After more than a decade of denials, before his execution in 1989 he confessed to 30 homicides that he committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978.


Killing Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy was an American serial killer who kidnapped, raped, and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1970s and possibly earlier. After more than a decade of denials, before his execution in 1989 he confessed to 30 homicides that he committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978.



NICE! Is that why you re-posted the Skinned Joint last week? It wasn't my birthday and it was after Christmas and Boxing day, so I was wondering why you did it. I decided it must've been my present for our Ekikiho (That's the shortened, phonetic pronunciation) feast day coming up. But that makes more sense, I GUESS. 🤔 😭 (😉😜) Sorry, Legion. That's probably incoherent and not funny. Also sorry for being MIA the last month I'm extremely sleep deprived, had to handle some unpleasant and unfinished family business. And I'm hosting memorial candlelight vigil for the L.C.B.A.M. on February 10th, the one that Deadbug kindly did a segment on his last COLD, a couple weeks ago for me. I was expecting 12 people for the vigil. MAYBE 20 people, and that was on the very, very high side, I thought. It's now snowballed beyond my most optimistic expectations. After posting the video and information on my wall and a couple local groups at bedtime, I woke to something around 430 notifications. Thank you, Deadbug. If it hadn't been for your video, I honestly don't think this would've gained the momentum the event needed and fundraiser too. It's going to possibly get in national attention spotlight, tips are flooding in, and the new lead detective says they might even get extra money in their budget to go over the evidence with a fine tooth comb to find trace DNA. We're not just scrambling to afford some blown up photos now. We're talking about establishing scholarships to honor the victims, giving back to the community in their names. It's stunning. I'm so humbled and honored to be a part of something that's becoming so much bigger than myself. So, there's that. I LOVE the Legion, and of course our Fearless Leader, but if there's any chance this case might be solved, it's because of this channel. I always say it's the best money I spend all month. I just wanted everyone to remember, this isn't JUST entertainment, sometimes this is VERY IMPORTANT WORK. And it's hard work. It jogs people's memories. It makes people with information feel safer and able to step forward. It spurs dialog. It's as close as we can do to allowing the dead a voice. It shows their families loved ones that they are indeed loved and not forgotten. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. I just wanted everyone to consider that this the closest chance to seeing this solved since AMW came around 15 years ago. Please consider reevaluating and increasing your pledge. This is a powerful medium for getting critical information out to the people who NEED to see it. I will keep everyone posted on the progress. Thanks for letting me ramble for a bit.


Im so floggin happy just fixed my laptop and watchin this again


WooHoo ! DeadBug for breakfast ! Not sure which creeped me out the most .. the severed head with open eyes, Charlie saying porn never affected him (which it probably didnt -not every pornhub addict is a murderer) - or the wild Bundy shot at the end. Thanks for the upload !


I must say I was a tiny little bit uncomfortable with the term "beaners" comment. But the only negative thing I've heard was some old white lady accusing "my rich Youtuber boss" to go their to exploit the tragedy for fame and a cash grab. She called me a "clot chaser" which, hey I'm always worried about blood clots and looking for clotted cream for my scones. We don't have it here.😭 AND you are rich.....in both love and admiration, and even then you can't pay for food and rent with THAT. So yeah, I couldn't argue with the old bat, on technicalities. But she got so much hate she folded in about 2 hours and deleted the message. Back under her bridge. I'm a little nervous about showing it in person at the memorial, because they'll already have fire, so torches and molotov cocktails are only one misunderstanding away from an angry mob, but since you're my rich Youtuber boss, I assume you'll be loaning me the Deadbug' Hell-i-copter for a quick escape and paying for private security, so we good. You got some laughs but nobody's acted like a snowflake except my ex boyfriend. Because, you know trying to hijack a memorial for dead children is the perfect way to get your ex back.🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

Natalie Flanigan

Hey Everyone! Thanks Dead bug for all your hard work and Phenomenal content! Wishing everyone an Awesome day!!!😊


Thanks for taking the time to get these to us, I really appreciate the remastered versions!


I love it!! Thanks Deadbug 😊 ...and you are correct in saying ppl are too sensitive. Love the ending lol I also like what Manson said, it was like he was offended to be associated with poop ppl...just made me chuckle. Great way to start my day. 🤗


Y’all what’s up DEADBUG..💀..! I’m in the hospital 🏥 I wanna just to say hi 👋


Awe thanks y’all you guys are the best... ♿️🚺♿️...


It’s 6.47pm where I am and waiting for DEADBUG to drop his latest video. :)


It’s your birthday and you’re in the hospital? It must’ve been one hell of a party😊


Its 6:28 am here and I haven't slept all night. Gonna be a great day, lol. DB will make it better ❤🤘


Yeah, I know the feeling


I really cant take naps, but I am pounding the Red Bull, 😉🤘🤞😚


Its fun, right? Lol. Its like you are only half there all day.


Manson calling bundy a "poopbutt" might be the funniest shit I've heard🤣🤣