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Whenever I create a film I move from edit to edit thinking it will be better than my last film, of course it does not always turn out that way and everybody has their own idea what is their favourite film but regardless I always strive to best myself. This has been a strange week where I started out on an episode of DEATH BY PORN, then I abandoned it and spent egregious amount of time on Air Mystery MH70 and then early Friday abandoned it, perhaps I will return to it or maybe just upload it here as a curio piece. I cannot upload something I feel cheats you of receiving the best and I felt it did not meet my quality control. Which pretty well has fucked my schedule, I can't lie I have been overwhelmed by sadness this week(Family stuff), perhaps I ate at the same KFC as Rob Dyke or who knows but I changed direction yesterday to what I feel much more happy with and I think this is gonna be a good one. I will hopefully upload tomorrow night U.K which will put a delay on my PODCAST a day or two but I feel you are worth the best I can offer and I will leave second best to others.

Here is a sneak peak. Have a great weekend







I am bubbling in my excitement


Please smile. It will all work out...or it won't. You always bring a smile to my face.


What a great group of people here, supporting an amazing artist. Legion family forever!!


Thanks for the quality entertainment much appreciated legion to the abyss ✊✊


I've said it before... Take as much time as you need... We don't mind waiting, and we NEVER worry about the quality. We KNOW that if it's a DEADBUG JOINT........ IT'S GONNA BE GREAT!!!!!


I was honestly shocked to see that you posted every week when I joined the channel, considering shiiiiit channels sometimes only post every couple weeks or even months. And you just make these top quality joints EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. I definitely think if you need a little down time to relax or reboot or hell post a full joint every other week instead of week to give you a chance to catch your breath, everyone would be very understating. A happy DEADBUG iis a great deadbug. And we want you to keep up your craft with out driving yourself crazy since that seems to be what YouTube wants... don't fall for their bullshit. You are beyond YouTube. The legion spreads beyond YouTube Just do what feels right for you and we will be standing behind you!


:42 ... sounds almost like And Man


Hey Deadbug&Legion,hope you are all ok.I am so ecxited to be here at last lol.


Whoops didn't mean to do that..I can't play the clip.maybe it's my phone.I would love to get a cheap laptop,maybe one day.gutted can't play it.Deadbug do what is best for you,the quality you produce is worth waiting for.I hope you are ok,take your time,don't stress.sending love&good vibes to all..skullrose.


You can't rush Art.


I fucking love your work


Deadbug, I completely agree with everything Nikki said. Take a break, if need be. I (we) will still be here. I LOVE your work. 🥰🥰


Sending peace and good vibes Deadbug.