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I came across this list and it was just posted in October and guess who is not on the list.

I think we need to message these guys and let them know they clearly don't know true crime!

Check out the list.




My comment is awaiting moderation... So I guess if it's deemed worthy it'll go up 🤔


meaning it will never go up, did you se that list? Mr Davis? Criminally fisted? Enough cheese and ham on that page to give Homer Simpson a Heart attack.


They totally got it wrong, Tabby. Our man should be the ONLY ONE on that list! ☺


Should rename that list " fun with crime 🤦🏼‍♀️"


One comment ... and one blogger. Who is also one of the people mentioned. My guess is that they get little or no traffic- but I dont have time to check that out right now. Maybe later unless somebody else does in the meantime.


WTF? Looks like they're missing a few including u.


Looks like to me it should be the top 10 losers


Criminally fisted??? Fucking serious?? Douchebags wouldn't know quality true crime if it bit them on the arse! Rob Dickhead Dyke must be on the floor in the foetal position bawling his eyes out! Shit what's that gonna do for his depression 😂😂😂


RD, "I have no comment...this no comment is brought to you by Raid"


What a bunch of horse crap!


Too right! Some bollocks list made by some snowflake who is about 30 odd and still lives in mummy’s spare room!


I kindly let them know that DeadBug Says was missing and they needed to add it for the real deal on true crime.


We all know You're the best DB. Half of those channels listed I never heard of.


Check out the video game playthrough channels; at least 250K subs...go figure?


It should be titled Top 10 G Rated True Crime Channels ... Your legion knows who's TOP Choice DB!


Tabby your comment has gone up and he replied saying he will have to check him out.


This is off topic but I just wanted to make an observation. A few years ago Rob Dyke gave his why would you put that on the internet series away to Alonzo lerone and now I've noticed that Rob is now starting a new series called why would you put that on the internet so basically he's being a dick and taking back what he already gave away...

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 21:53:40 I can only agree with Jim Can’t Swim. He def deserves to be on any list, claiming to show off the best TC channels. Much like you! I literally rolled my eyes after seeing Danielle on the list. I’m not gonna be mean or hateful but, she’s pretty unbearable to watch. Never mind, she absolutely CANNOT handle any criticism. Whether it be constructive or not. As someone who has experience in public speaking & how you can best capture & keep your audiences attention, I offered some things she could work on. It was several things but a big one was, her obvious struggle to speak fluidly. Her overuse of “word whiskers”, was to the point of being distracting. Tons of ahh, ohh, umm, like etc. she didn’t take that comment well at all. & I was genuinely trying to help her
2020-02-05 09:49:18 I can only agree with Jim Can’t Swim. He def deserves to be on any list, claiming to show off the best TC channels. Much like you! I literally rolled my eyes after seeing Danielle on the list. I’m not gonna be mean or hateful but, she’s pretty unbearable to watch. Never mind, she absolutely CANNOT handle any criticism. Whether it be constructive or not. As someone who has experience in public speaking & how you can best capture & keep your audiences attention, I offered some things she could work on. It was several things but a big one was, her obvious struggle to speak fluidly. Her overuse of “word whiskers”, was to the point of being distracting. Tons of ahh, ohh, umm, like etc. she didn’t take that comment well at all. & I was genuinely trying to help her

I can only agree with Jim Can’t Swim. He def deserves to be on any list, claiming to show off the best TC channels. Much like you! I literally rolled my eyes after seeing Danielle on the list. I’m not gonna be mean or hateful but, she’s pretty unbearable to watch. Never mind, she absolutely CANNOT handle any criticism. Whether it be constructive or not. As someone who has experience in public speaking & how you can best capture & keep your audiences attention, I offered some things she could work on. It was several things but a big one was, her obvious struggle to speak fluidly. Her overuse of “word whiskers”, was to the point of being distracting. Tons of ahh, ohh, umm, like etc. she didn’t take that comment well at all. & I was genuinely trying to help her