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Happy Sunday

Enjoy Or Not






I choose enjoy.


What a bone chilling story, and as usual your rendition of it is powerful and insanely detailed, but you don't treat the killer like a superhero. You make sure he's portrayed as the vile, evil beast he was and the victims with such quiet dignity and respect by reminding us again at the end that they're terribly missed and as real as our own family and friends. I really, really liked this Joint. I think you're leaving this last year of misery on a really high point. 😊🥰👍👍


#Me three 😉. I was looking for you NIkki, I didn't see you in the comment section and I was worried. 😁


I've been a busty girl lately I'm about to settle in and enjoy the master copy. 💖🖤💜 sending loves


Busy* busy girl lately. Busty girl always... well since 12 haha


Dammit, I'm getting all set up to move to Australia, working on getting my work Visa and then DEADBUG gives us a joint about the most horrific way I can imagine to die. Laying there paralyzed next to my best friend watching her get raped and being able to do nothing about it just knowing im next? And then being left out in the hot ass sun slowly being crawled on my bugs and rodents as I pray for death to hurry up but can't even move. Fuuuuck that. Nope nope nope.


I really enjoyed it, (well, I enjoy ALL your stuff) but I liked how polished and detailed it was. And not a single throwaway shot or line. I may biased because this dude has always interested me, but all there seems to be are rumors and urban legend.


This was a crazy one. I can't believe how deranged some people are. This one truly gave me the chills and freaked me out way more than usual. But loved the last line "if I gotta tell ya, then you're not cool enough to know". Only deadbug could freak me out like that then still make me laugh after. Also DB, I want all of your playlists. Best taste in music of anyone I know. (Officially or unofficially)


At least the guy is worm food now. He can't hurt anyone.


Thanks, Deadbug..you da man, man! 😊


True. But im guessing his 13 inbred/inbreeding siblings may not be much better...


I was surprised to hear he died. You're right, the devil always takes his due on the end... His nephew took a boy his own day on either the poor kid's 18 or 21 birthday and killed him in the Balangalo (pretty sure I butchered that.) to kill him for the hell of it. Sounds like Milat family home is a rat's nest they should be clean out.


If a certain orange dik-tater 🥔 gets re-elected can Jack, Chito and I come too? I can't take 4 more years of this bullshit!


I hate to even think about the rest of that family, Nikki. It gives me an uneasy feeling.


Honey, you should be more afraid of the rent prices and cost of living than the actual Australians 😉


That was fickin' excellent DB! What a fucked up family........Damn.


Lol @KT more so the spiders fuuuck the spiders haha. I'll be making pretty good money so I'm not tooo concerned about the money thing. But I am going to need to find a bf or get a male roommate or just make sure a female roommate isnt scared of them so someone can kill the beasts !! 😵😱🤣


@vanessa that's one of the motivators For me to get out of here! And sureee, get a flight and come see me! You can be my spider killers Haha


Great one that DB! Did you know his nephew (Matthew Milat) was inspired by him and murdered a guy he hung out with in the same park


Yes Vanessa! I knew of that. Matthew Milat was the nephews name.


Seems like every town has “that” family. Not typically this fucked up tho! This was really good DB! Something about it made it feel like I was watching for a lot longer than it was, which is good. Details I didn’t know, pix and background stories I had never heard. This is what makes you the best, man. Happy Sunday DB, and my fellow Legion 🤙 time to get shit done around here before GTKTD drops!!


This dude was brutal...He was a savage and basically killed for sport. Those people he tortured really went through some serious pain and agony before actually dying. Sick fuck.


So, My brother came over to hang out for a bit and I was watching Hitchhikers Guide to Death, as he watched with me, he was totally intrigued, not only by your the story itself, but by your work Deadbug. You have won over a new legion member and he said he will be joining tonight :) Just thought I'd share that. Oh and I loved the ending song! ;)


If only his sister/wife/mother had learned how to give better head, he may not have resorted to killing.


The art work is definitely hot :)


Jesus, I dont even want to know what his siblings got up to... well now I kind of want to know. But also, maybe not. I'm so torn. I dont understand the morbid curiosity we have while some people wouldnt ever even watch a major motion picture about a serial killer. Than there's those of us who would watch it and are disappointed it wasnt realistic enough because we know the guys entire history, amount of victims and MO. Lol. Being a criminal psychologist would be such a fascinating job. Being a journalist for a show that's NOT nbc dateline would also be such a fascinating job. 😉


That's essentially the same thing i commented on the art preview for the week. But worded a little different. Shes smokin for sureee