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Greetings Legion in this episode of GTKTD, I talk about Volcano's and one the erupted in New Zealand this week, Monkeys, prostitutes and my friend from New Zealand!






Hahaa! I love Vlad stories! Can't wait til next week! My ex was a member in a well known motorcycle club, and a tattoo artist. One weekend they held a tattoo convention in Long Island, NY. We are from Mass, about an hour outside of Boston, and I'm sure most u have heard a Boston-ish accent, lol! I had gone down stairs to buy a tank top from a "nomad" club we knew some of the guys from. Well, I bought the wrong size and realized this when I went back upstairs, so my then boyfriend said wait for me, I'll go down with you and you can exchange it (he was cleaning his tattoo gun, etc.. Bc he had done some work on my upper arm, which is why I wanted a tank top) Not 2 seconds later literally allllll hell broke loose, people running everywhere, bleeding, yelling, gun shots, .. I snuck out the side door and tried to run to our hotel, lol, ya, bad idea, cops on horses were lining the joint and sent me back in. Then another artist that was with us says hey, they are bringing in the dogs.. We were allllllllllllll on Lock down status. If you were associated with the event, you weren't leaving. We had to stay put at the tattoo station. When I heard the dogs were coming, well, I had pills on me, oxycontin, (don't judge, lol, it was a long time ago!) sooo. I ate em. Bad bad idea. Anyone associated was also then taken to a room and interviewed. We were there so fucking long, swat with full gear, big giant guns strapped on them, and they also had to feed us... It was a convention center/hotel combo but the hotel wasn't connected, there was a strip of woods separated them... So I get taken to talk to a fed. A NY fed, very thick accent. I am also hard of hearing and wear hearing aids and have a very hard time with accents. Apparently, so did he. He asked me what I did for a living and at this point the OC is kicking in and I am suddenly hit with massive giggles, but thank God at this point I tell him I'm a Dog groomer... He asked me 5 or 6 times a What? A what? I don't know what that is... So, I demonstrate petting a dog, saying shit like GOOD BOY, and whistling saying Come on doggy, come on... And then end it with me pretending to brush an imaginary dog and laughing not bc its funny but bc now I'm all fucked up and trying not to show it. Plus, I had higher up ranked club members wondering why I'm doing this and laughing with a fed. Ughhh, what a mess. Luckily a few of them knew I had eaten a couple pills and they trusted me so they figured I was being girly cute and trying to get out of something... The fed finally caught on and started laughing, phewww... I still got my license copied, my pics taken holding a number and filed away as a "known associate" to a dangerous "biker gang"... Ugh I hate that term. Anyway, come to find out, there was a rival club that tried to rush the doors and kill as many of our members as possible... Which ended up bad for them. Or so I heard. Best times of my life was spent around those guys, hahahaa! Which sounds funny to say now. And my ex, who later died of lung cancer, see ya (we split long before that, and he was also kicked out while I stayed on working at their after hrs bar as a bartender), boy do I have stories about him. 🤦‍♀️ LOL! This is already long enough. The Warrior story reminded me of me trying to mime dog grooming for a fed, while really fucked up bc he couldn't understand my accent. Lol!


Hey tabby awesome see u


Fuck, I’m in the wrong business, I’m not having sex with old men right now and I’m not getting paid 1200 bucks for it! Can’t wait for part two 💋


You’re right DB there are a lot of ladies on here. Whoa #notAsausageFest


Hahaa!!! I'd be a Deadbug Angel... But property vests are out... And I ain't askin! 😉🤣😘😉🖤👼


John Frusciante is back in the Chili Peopers. I can not believe it. I can’t calm down!!!


On the topic of sex and Dead Bug's Angel's.: -Loved the baboon looking at you then his dick. I imagine that gay 🐒 was looking at you and glad you weren't wearing a skirt. 😂 I can't imagine how unsettling it must have been. 😂 -I just might change my profession to being a pricey hooker $1200 hour and it just might be worth it, hmm let me get my portfolio out. -I don't think anyone that would be able to call me angel and keep a straight face. Being part of a Legion is more befitting of myself, any Leigon. I'm just glad to be a part of Dead Bug's Leigon. 😊 Thank you Dead Bug 🖤💀🕷️


$1200 bucks for sex seems like a rip off.


I know eh, Im still friendly with their manager and he told me about this last year, I asked John and he didn't answer me, id forgotten about it until you said something, pretty good news, I was not really a fan of josh, he wasn't a riff guitarist.


i dunno .. im pretty damn good .. i think im worth $1200 LOL


yeah seems more like the price of a escort girl ( and a fuckin beautiful one ) than prostitute....its still a rip off😎🤩😍


I just want to say to Deadbug and everyone how great the live show on " Discord " was...and I hope there will be another one.........Legion4ever


I can't play this episode....


Nevermind..lol I got it in my podcast player


i'm finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loved you from the beginning!