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On this weeks Ep I talk about, YOUTUBE taking down channels, Viagra, Sexual hangups and soooo much more!





"We dont want you here...." This is the "tolerant, inclusive left in Seattle or Portland currently. No thinking for yourself or having your own opinion. Why do they think they can decide for everyone?


The way Jennifer Levin confronted the girlfriend , I've always wondered if after they did it she threatened to tell the girlfriend, he was drunk...........but still, he threw away a good life, for what? Also, yeah, the man should be in control, or he wont really seem like a man!


There’s nothing wrong with a bit of slap and tickle, but if you’re gonna play hard then play safe and have a safe word and make sure you TRUST the person you’re playing hard with. See youse all on discord soon!!!


Hi Tabby Catt, I left a response over on YT but it's not showing up. I'm new here n still trying to figure out how to leave comments for specific person. Anyhooo... my comment must be blocked ((idk)) noooo trolling here, I thot it was cool that your shirt was catching on, that's all. 🤗


Apologize for the confusion. Also, when I did figure out cut n paste....my comment wouldn't stay under your thread. Sooo...I placed it where you comment normally.


Hey Deadbug I am looking at your video and suddenly the " rat-man " video is very well translated in french...even the Title is translated that is good for you man French speaking Youtubers as got now access to your video ....and it is all automatic....👍👍👍👍 ( youtube is exploding here, I mean that 2 years ago I was the only guy talking of youtube ( because I understand English ) people where only on Facebook and now I hear more and more people talking about Youtube...... ( What I am trying to say is up to know the translation were , to bad to use, but now it is practically perfect , opening up a whole new world for all the people who do not understand English ....and that means a lot of new viewers...


Hi Deadbug and Everyone, to avoid any confusion on YT, I'm "Grammie Copper." I hope everyone has a great day!! 🥰 Also, I "heard" that YT and Google has been sued by some parent counsel and a lot of creators can face a fine of $42k. UNBELIEVABLE smh


Thank you Sherry if you have the app there is a red tab after everyone's name if you hit that you can directly respond to that comment I kinda was hoping it was just a confusion and I looked for this to respond as you should get a notification that I did thank you again 🤗🤗🤗 😊


It's water under the bridge now, any help you need I'm here to help navigate this app or even if you are using a browser 🤗🤗


Lol....what a day!! I think I may have this comment in the right place!! (we shall see after I hit post) 🤣🤭Thank you Tabby Catt. 😊🥰


Just the thing to listen to while filling up my pill organiser lol


Would Andman be able to remember the stories? Just asking!


Nice. Let's make that happen.


That's good question, yeah his memory is pretty shit but listening to him not remembering would be kinda fun.


I don't think that was automatic though Chris, I think someone did that for me.


Yeah I thought that s well, the only thing is that "Alex" his GF knew he was still sleeping with Levin because Levin was telling her and taunting her, this is also from Alex's own account, which I think makes it all more strange.


More Diazepam then the local chemist, I'll pass them about the Legion as party favours :D


YouTube doesn't do that. Someone (most likely someone in here or in the legion but not on patreon) took their time and wrote it all out in French so other French DEADBUG fans could read it. YouTube doesn't bother translating for any video into another language unless it's a celebrity who forced them to or had someone do it for them.


I'll trade you an oxy 30 and some good weed for some diazepam. 😉 (the thought police can't get us here, can they?)


Nice... that's fuckin nice. 😉 Sounds a bit like mine but switch diazepam with clonazepam and methadone. Don't think any of the others would be much fun for anyone though lol. Oh and I keep forgetting im prescribe marijuana now. That's still so weird to me. Never thought it'd happen in UtahRD


Wait whaaaa? Send me the oxy I'll throw in the clonazepam, methadone and some medical grade edibles! We better be quiet though haha, there may be a YouTube spy amongst us!!


I think Chambers told Jennifer that he was done with her. Jennifer went nuts cuz she cant take rejection especially blackout drunk rejection. It got so drunken out of control that to stop her, he choked her, she scratched his face to stop him while he was choking her, he choked her a little more. Oopsie she died. He goes and passes out in the nearby bushes. The body if found. He was fucked up drunk and she was fuck up drunk. She died cuz she couldn't handle the rejection. Think about it. She found acceptance in fuckin all those guys. She was loved. She felt something with all those men. I wonder what her childhood was like. Just cuz your rich, dont mean your happy. Emotionally happy. Yeah, what murderer passes out in a nearby bush only to get busted in morning. He was probably like "Fuck me, I'm fucked".


Well......maybe she mentioned she was ovulating., and that sent him over the edge, lol. Jk, she doesnt sound like the motherly type. By the way, I dont know if you told us where you got the name Dahlia Jet but it is awesome.


Funny you should ask, when under contract for both NBC and MTV, I had to sign a handcuff deal where I couldn't work anywhere else and about a month after signing that deal, BILLY IDOL contacted me, well his management and asked me to direct one of his videos and although never a huge fan....come on its Billy Fuckin Idol, but I was told by my agent I couldn't because id be fired and sued. I met up with Billy Idol and his agent suggested I use a fake name and no one would know..... I said I wasn't sure and Billy Idol said he wouldn't take no for an answer and told me my name from now on is Dalia Jet (true story) I did the video and didn't get sued. Working with models allot after that I wanted to change to becoming a professional Photographer and leave film and I set up a company called DALIA JET, made cards, ads in magazines and everything..... needless to say it Bombed!


Wow! That is an awesome story! Not a huge fan of him either but that is kickass. Is there some sneaky way we can find out which video, lol? Sorry the photographer thing bombed, You could try taking pictures of Legion girls. Make a Deadbug calander☺Each month a different crime and a different Legion chick!


You know I like to drip feed little facts but won't tell the whole story. Since you asked and are the first person to ever ask I thought id tell you. He was a really fun guy though and got along really well with him. Yeah my photography career, LOL, at that time I was already a well known director and thought it be easy to cross over but only got a few gigs not enough to focus on it.


Thank you for sharing that ! I appreciate it. You have lived an exceptional life, I love hearing about it.


Hi Nikki, I must be more careful when I write down a comment..but I was very exited because I always wanted to translate Deadbug video's


So, I paused your podcast to check out Full Retard and you weren't joking. I didn't last 60 seconds with him molesting my earholes. Shitty presentation all the way.