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Please do join me as I lament about my first and only Homosexual experience (this is shit you all need to know) as well as other useless information. All my past PODCASTS and ZIPLOCKED episodes that were on YT have been taken down by myself as I received a strike for one of them for CYBER BULLYING the great talents of Rob Dyke and Criminally fisted so I had to remove everything that I will gradually be posing here.

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OMG!! Fucked up story, but dead bug tells the best stories. Maybe be doesn’t mean it to be funny, but I was laughing my ass off!! 🤣👍🤣👍


Oh man, what? Is! This? Just starting but I gotta hear this.


Well, bordering on clickbait Deadbug, and you outted Ronnie and Steven Hackel, how could you?!


Well, technically speaking it was my first homosexual experience, so id disagree about it being click bait. And as for the Hackle Brothers I doubt they'd be fans of mine!


Damn, even spelling their names correctly!! Lol Your fans might hunt them down though. I'm really hoping it's not their real names.


Was Blair bumping contra in his prison purse? Might explain the brutal injuries to both his abdomen and rectum as well as the border crossing and paranoia. I've always thought it were a TBI or psychotic break but the multiple condoms has me rethinking.


And your buddies sound like the Menendez bros, another set of bros one generation removed from a megalomaniacal dictatorship . Have to control those big emotions, pumping adrenaline like that arouses all the senses. Rageaholics like the rush and release. There is no shutoff switch for the adrenal gland. Orgasms work pretty wellthough.


.You’re supposed to be so respectful of the victims ( they’re dead right?) The story of the death being recounted for entertainment fucks that argument up doesn’t it.?


You come with the straight dope! Truth trumps monetization and I respect you cuz you tell it. Your story telling is authentic, u are needed and so valuable. Instantly my favorite.. Thanks ,sincerely for the hard work


Bro, dont u google?


This was in 94 95 a bit before google, I can proudly say when journalists worked instead of sitting on their asses all day googling!


Ahh good ol mid ninties, i miss those days.


THAT'S why we love you Deadbug! You don't pussy foot around! I WANT to know the WHOLE STORY!! And you're the only one who will give it to me! They're a bunch of assholes!! You're HONEST!! And you're not going to follow their pussy rules!! That's why they all hate on you! Because they WISH they were HALF as good as you are! Much love to you buddy. ✌🏼💜🦋


AND.... If you think Google knows all, then you need to go back to school. Sorry, it's just the truth


Fuck, brutal story about the hockey “fight”. You told that story so good it had even me scared.