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For five years, Joel Rifkin avoided capture as he used the city streets across Long Island, New Jersey, and New York City as his hunting ground, taking back what he believed was the dignity he had stolen from him from the bullies and the girls that mocked him in high school, this re-building of his self esteem cost the lives of 17 women.  After flunking out of his last attempt at college, Rifkin spent all of his free time looking for or fucking prostitutes. His fantasies about murdering the women began to fester, althoughgrowing up on an unhealthy diet of horror movies and graphic comic books, it was a film by Alfred Hitchcock called Frenzy and the death face of a woman that has been strangled that gave him his first orgasm him and set him on his destructive path.  In early March, his mother and sister left on vacation. Rifkin drove into New York City and picked up a prostitute and brought her back to his family's home.  Throughout her stay, she slept, shot heroin, then slept more, which irritated Rifkin who had no interest in drugs. Then, without any provocation, he picked up a Howitzer artillery shell and struck her repeatedly on the head with it and then suffocated and strangled her to death. When he was certain that she was dead, he went to bed.  After six hours of sleep, Rifkin awoke and went about the task of getting rid of the body. First, he removed her teeth and scraped her fingerprints off of her fingers so that she could not be identified. Then using an X-Acto knife, he managed to dismember the body into six parts which he distributed in different areas throughout Long Island, New York City, and New Jersey.This is a man who has a passion for what he is doing!


Joel The Ripper I Murder By Design#19



Excellent joint.


This was great! Especially since i’d never heard of it before


I have no doubt he would have continued killing if he didn't get screwed.. or if I may lyrically wax if he had fixed that loose screw. Thank you so much Deadbug!


Cheers DB your the master of true crime I’m sure everyone would agree with me.


Another masterpiece DB! I really enjoyed this one. I had no idea the detail of the case, thank you for digging and really giving us the whole picture of these cases, not just reading an insert from Google. <3


Awesome as always!


Deadbug that video was perfect! I have enjoyed every one you have posted, but I must say something about this one is a whole new level. They seem to be getting better and better! Thank you for a superb dose of death 🖤💀


Oh, that is interesting thank you, I try to always approach things different and it is hard for me to pick one over the other but it is always nice to hear what someone enjoys.


All this shit is on another level. The top level. If we are not careful we might full off. LFNLSON 😎🔪🔫💉


Jesus Fucking Christ. I’ve heard more emotion coming from someone doing a makeup tutorial on YouTube than what is shown from this guy. He’s talking about dismembering a body as if he were telling us what he had for dinner that night. Completely Sociopathic


This was really well done! Thank you. It reminded me of Robert Yates from Spokane, Wa. He had a boner for killing hookers as well. I was neighbors with a girl who was abducted by him, beaten and left for dead, but she survived. I’ve also met several people who had known him and the victims. This one lady I talked to used to use drugs with him at a hotel before he went out “hunting” and was friends with several of his victims. I also used to work at Ace Hardware near where he used to live and his name was in the customer savings program. I looked him up to see his purchases and he bought a shovel, garbage bags, gloves and a solvent in one day. That’s disturbing