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Im posting this here because it was taken down from youtube and I received a strike for it for cyber bullying but I really enjoyed this so shame to waste.


DEADBUG'S Question Time



A DB pube sweater anyone? 😂😂😂


I'm a watcher with no content, but I also have a full time job, a husband, a teenage son who is a junior in HS, a cpl of pets, a house that may stay clean for 1 hour. My friends and I have thought of ideas to film and post, but we check and it's already been done, or being done. We got to get more creative I know. I wish I could film my job, cuz I can say, we get some duzzies. But there is patient privacy practice laws where I work, and we'd go to prison. So I'm gonna keep watching cuz watching is my relaxing experience of the day. Thank you Deadbug, for without your content I would not be able to enjoy me time.


I think there may be a waiting list on this and I would be wary of counterfeit Pub Sweaters, allot of fakes coming out of India.


Just like Count Dankula says, the way to win an argument https://youtu.be/2nv1dZCHtm8 We've had it too easy for far too long. The Western world needs its ass handed to it so we realize how much bullshit micro-agressions and safe spaces are.


Did you cut some of the ID channel shows? From time to time, while watching something, I think maybe it’s possible.


I just enjoy your content all of it. So glad these are posted here!!! Thanks DB you spoil us so much!!,🤗💕


Hes a an exceptional artist


This is fucking beautiful. Hahaha I think you should do more and just post them on patreon since YouTube is like an over protective playground aid. That would be amazing. You are such a fascinating person, I'd love if you did a q&a every once in awhile. ♡


He's not knocking people who don't have content, just the nasty trolls who come in and are basically a fake account just there to be dicks. Not everyone needs to be putting content out on YouTube. Just focus on all your mom duties, I'm sure that's more than enough.


MORE PLEASE!!! This was fun, i love it!!!


I like question time. It's nice. maby a Patreon only question time? Questions from patrons to Patreons... I'm not sure how that would go... There is room for something like The most horrifying comments left to you on YT as a Patreon thing. Unfortunately if posted on YT it would be flagged ; ( I want the dinner, I wont bitch even if it's noodles. I can bring my own beer. I need a plane ticket though. . It could be a ladies dinner. I believe Dead Bug that you would enjoy it. It would end up being a twisted Bachelor spinoff. Just think of all the hair pulling ; )


So... If one went looking for a Dead Bug pube sweater or pillow, ha ha How would a person know it was the real deal? (giggling) Lab testing, exactly what kind of documentation would go with such a prize? ha ha ha ha ha. I would very muck like to know who knits them. Are they washed or would you get that raw Dead Bug bollocks sent.


Awh Renee,"KC, you are one of us. You are Legion! Not everyone has "content". Dead Bug gets some vicious trolls. Some of the things they message are worthy of Hmm... say like before cell phones and some creep would call and the things said would be under the category of Definitely calling the cops and sleeping with your gun under your pillow.


I down with all that. But I also understand how someone (or fearless leader) can work so hard and not get compensated and just put down buy some. Trolls are motherfuckers who push all the right buttons. We know what they are, but it hurts. That's another reason why I haven't stuck my neck out there with content. I dont think I could take the ridicule.


I was just curious. You said that you had a couple tv shows and didn't like the censorship. So my question is are Netflix and hulu the same do they censor harshly too? Because it would be cool to see a show like your films on there. Thanks have a great day.


Haha....loves this! Your voice is fucking great, it's part of what makes your videos so good! I'm giving the bird to any dickhead who feels they have to share their negative views about your channel. It's so fucking simple. ....if you don't like it don't fucking watch it..retard!!