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Now I know that I should be working away hard to Finnish this weeks joint and not be distracted but sometimesI cannot help myself. Im not sure if this is a woman who is a troll because her comments seem exactly like a woman I had to block last week called "Texas Girl" but if anything it shows how mentally unstable people can be. This woman has been commenting for the last two hours on my work saying how she is my biggest fan black bra black and how she loves my PODCASTS blah blah blah and always with people like this who polly comments at everything I get a bit wary and think where is this leading. 


She pops up in one video saying for me not to use the word pussy, it cheapens what I do....THEN again saying I bring myself down and goes on about it and then finally her comment I posted here where I finally respond, for me I feel she is a troll because it seems too deliberate, like the woman "TEXAS GIRL" I blocked last week, I think generally if you listen to anything you do you know I have a foul mouth, and I am certainly not asking anyone to say "hey I love foul language" I have a mouth on me that's for sure but I have never ever in the circle of musicians, artists, rappers or whatever, heard someone say vagina, ever..... sorry everyone, that is just me. But although I do feel this crazy ass bitch is a troll, I find it ironic on my "MURDER IN MOROCCO video she calls people of the Islamic faith "PIG FUCKERS" which again I don't offend easily but that isn't something id ever say, I wouldn't reprimand someone for saying it but you'd never hear me say it. In her comment she says " I like to portray a modicum of class in my life " So what do you think? Is this woman a subversive troll ? or just nutier then a monkeys shit? Please keep in mind she has already made about 20 comments slowly building to "I love your stuff.... but"





If she doesn’t like to hear the word pussy, you know she doesn’t know how to be fucked in it. I miss the early days when Trolls would viscously tear apart your whole life. They’re so lazy these days.


It sounds like she's just a fucking lunatic


What a fucking snowflake. It's retarded people like this that killed comedy for the rest of us. By the way has anyone seen the new Dave Chappelle's stand up on Netflix. Dave let those Snowflake bitches have it. His best performance since the early 2000s


Dave Chappelle was spot on. And funny at the same time. I've always loved his work.


For someone to request that you kindly say Vagina instead of Pussy. Is strangly fuckin funny. If she's not paying to be annoying... lol Do what thou wilt.


Crazy pussy bitch lol


I'm a pussy... Hell they say you are what you eat....


I'm a big fan of the clam shell. Also made the mistake watching the Morocco vids on documenting reality. My gosh... those poor girls.


Sounds like she is playing games. Lame. And she needs a job, or something. I have a dirty mouth too,we are just more expressive, lol. .


It was awesome! They are pissed! About comedy!! Idiots.


If having a dirty mouth was a felony I'd probably be UNDER the jail,just sayin'


"...modicum of class... WTF? These are documentaries about truly heinous crimes and the evil, excess, and greed that humanity is capable of. The reason Deadbug's content works as well as it does it because he doesn't try to sanitize it. She should just go watch Rob Dyke or whatever he calls himself these days.


Oh ya she’s definitely a TROLL! If she’s so classy then why in the fuck is she a sub or watching your stuff..SMMFH..🤦‍♀️.. Just keep what you are doing because you are the best at what you do..👏.. DEADBUG..💀..


Hope u dont see me in that light DB