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A few things on YT version I was unhappy with so I treated this morning and this is the final cut for those who give a fuck. After someone flagging "ONCE UPON A TIME IN LA LA LAND" and YT deeming it as offensive material, and YT not even notifying this in an email with a link where I can dispute it, I realise I will be moving to PATREON sooner than I thought and it really is just a matter of time with the distain I was shown

I know to some of you, you may not see it as a big deal, but when you put your heart it to something that one feel is one of your best films about a gruesome murder that is done with the utmost of respect, no different than the corporate channels who use even the same stock footage and pictures that I use, well it's heartbreaking to be treated that way, yeah sure someone flagged it, but youtube are happy to carry that flag out.





Apparently it isn't the greatest of jobs for long term job security.



As a newbie all I'm going to say is "what the legion here said" I'm here now and not going anywhere what you produce is too good to miss out on.


I couldn't get this one to play in fullscreen. Might need a mozilla update or something. Outstanding job Deadbug! ~ Legion Forever!


That’s so awful of YT to do that but what do you expect from them? I say post here more often than you post over there and use the YT platform as something very clean that’s basically an advert for joining here? Really sorry, your last ten videos have been amazing and you’re always stepping it up. Must be disheartening but don’t let the bastards grind you down 💋


I loved what you did with Once Upon A Time in La La Land. These flag happy asshole likely don't even watch what you post before throwing a flag at it. Just because of who you are. Man, it's ridiculous. But you GOT to know you have the faith, support, and love of the Legion. We (I'll speak for Lane and myself here), promote you to everyone we can on all platforms we can. I know you wish your numbers were growing faster than they are. You have a lot going on right now, and it's stress on top of stress. But you are still producing immaculate content and placating all of our morbid, fiendish cravings through it. By the way, I was listening to the 3rd part of Psychiatric Abuse and when it got to the end I couldn't fucking help it, it slipped out of my mouth before I could catch it, "Ahh! What a dick, DeadBug!" Lol. You keep me hanging on going "where's the reeeeeesssssstttt?!?!?!" THAT right there, that feeling of wanting more...is proof to your talent at hinging an audience. It's what I joined Legion for. So, chin up dear, and realize we will ride through the hard times WITH you. It's rough on this side of the lake too. (D)


Love it


I noticed Death By Porn is also flagged too. It was fucking funny, especially the Gordon Ramsay Sex Dwarf bit and the hilarious reconstruction!


Yeah and YT isn't even emailing me, so although these films are already age restricted by me, a troll in going from him to film, including tKILLING THE MENEDAZ BROTHERS and flagging them and YT is letting them and not even emailing me to notify or give me a chance to dispute it and because I am not classified as a creator I can't even speak to someone about this withc hunt.


Hey Lane, yeah they are just going to everyone of my films and flagging them.


That totallly sucks.... Some little Fucktard decides that they are the ones to judge others content and YT wont even name the gutless prick?? Do you think it might be a competitor (Not that anyone can match your content and style,) but ya' know... Rob lesbian or someone trying to eliminate the top tier creators.


Hi DEADBUG hi legion . Saw the tweet from YT to you . If a video is flaged they take it down straight away . That's bullshit . Blowing up soldiers is ok though beheading people. That type of shit is ok with them . Let us all fuck off YT and stay here . I'm sure that people who are on the fence about joining patron will sign up . People will miss this channel when it not for free anymore and come over to the dark side . I hope I'm right but what the fuck do i know . Its just my wish for you brother . Anyway LOVE FROM NORTH LONDON SON 😎🇬🇧💀🔪💣


death by porn is great someone has been going through all of your videos and flagging them. so now YT is backing bully's. Not surprised. They're making money off us all. Using the person who creates what I love to watch the most Dead Bug. You have the only channel I have ever paid money to. Just give me an hour with em. Please 🤪⏳🔌🔥💀⌛ ⚰️repeat. put all the bully's in line. so much fun to have and never enough time to have it.


I can't begin to imagine how the hell you do what you do. I love your style no one else has anything close to what you have. reality is it's the world that's way more fucked up just think what would happen if you really went there? If you do give me a heads up I wanna be there when you say goodbye to YT. On your terms not theirs.


"wither thou goest, i will go .. wherever thou lodgist, i will lodge, thy people shall be my people, my lord


I'm so very sorry this is happening to you. I truly think whoever is flagging your amazing work is jealous cuz they can't be you. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's a Rob Dick Ah Dyke minion at work or even the fat blowhard himself. Your films just keep getting better and better and I love what you do. Your the only one I ever wanted to join Patreon for and will be the only one I support thru Patreon. Your worth every penny I just wish I could give more but hopefully I'll be able to up my pledge soon. Don't let these undercover scared ass trolls get you. We love you and have your back 💯% that's why we're here and that's why we're the LEGION FOREVER!!!!😡🤬


When you are going through this app it doesn't go full screen try a browser


Loved it another masterpiece thanks so much 👍😁


I can't wait until youporn makes a new YouTube. Or another company thst won't tear down the best content. They truly fucked themselves and are slowly but surely going to lose more and more users as their PC kid friendly bull shit drives out all the good content. I can't believe how far they're taking shit. Glad I'm jetè and will still get to see DBs awesome videos.