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As I am working on something slightly more ambitious this week, I will not be releasing it tonight but early tomorrow night because I want it too be as good as it can be.

Many thanks




Thanks for giving us the heads up, Charlie will be proud LoL


Looking forward to it, DB 👍


I can't wait. My mom is actually going to watch this one because she met Charlie at a hippy wedding reception in Haight Ashbury. She..... wasn't impressed. The wedding cake was baked with pot and the icing was laced with acid and she woke up on a bench two days later in Sacramento. She has no idea if she talked to him or anyone else in the family, as she has no memories past getting a piece of cake.


Wow, interesting story, it will be tomorrow night, thank her for watching and hopefully she enjoys.


Looking forward to it.


Thanks for the notice. Fortunately for me I am having a party so I will be distracted until you drop the video. Waiting won't feel so hard.🙃btw you are all invited. 🍻


Wow, Vanessa! What a long, strange trip it must have been for your mom! (Lol! Had to throw in a little Jerry Garcia.)


Oh I'm sure it was. I kinda have my doubts that she had no clue that the cake was spiked and she remembers nothing else afterwards, but so far that's her story and she's sticking to it! 😂


My husband and I had friends who followed festivals every season. They invited us to a big one in Mass in September not too many years ago. We tripped for 3 days and there were all sorts of activities, music, food, shit to throw money away on, and my personal favorite - a giant canvas under a blacklight that you could paint on. Fun, but exhausting! I slept the whole ride home. Lol!


Oh, yeah..and there was a gigantic bonfire! We walked a lot. It was a huge venue.


Take your time. I’m excited. Season 2 of Mindhunter dipped it’s toe in Dean Corll and then focused on Wayne Williams, the KKK and late 70’s politics in the D.C. area.


Nice! Hey, we get one ride on this blue marble- grab the good times when you can. I saw a movie once and someone said "Nobody goes to their deathbeds complaining that they should have spent more time at work."😁


Worth to wait, I’m sure


Hi DB hi legion. We will wait because your joints are fantastic


Your worth waiting for!!! Take your time. When your ready the Legion will be ready!!!! Hi everyone!!! Hope all are having a great weekend!!!🤗💕




Can’t wait 💋


Seems to be a change of plans