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In this episode I realise that what I at first thought as an enemy is an Allie, one of the worst things that can happen to a dude happens and get a surprise visitor to the hospital ! Please forgive my spelling error, one may lyrically lament how can you investigate it if you can't spell it...but in fairness Im rushing to upload this instead waiting till tomorrow.




Psychiatric Abuse Pt2

Part 2 of my investigation while (Not) Working for NBC's Dateline.



Loving this trilogy so far! And Man is fucked!


Thank you DB! Now more waiting aaaahhh lol. Loving it all though.


Workin us hot and heavy, and then stopping right before the rush?!?!!! It's called "cruel and unusual punishment" Deadbug! ( and it seems like you're getting off on it!) haha! .You're so the best!


Unfortunately anything over 3o minutes is pretty difficult for my computer as mentioned I've been having problems, even at this length it takes 40 minutes to render so I'm flying in the face of God to make anything longer.


Deaders you are KILLING me with your cliffhangers like goddamn.


Fun pt. 2 video. There was another reporter who got herself committed years ago for reporting purposes. “American Horror Story,” based a season on it. As for my own experience, I had to show my goods more than I thought was necessary. I like the camera guy.


This was one of your best. I laughed so hard because sadly I could relate. The 20 minute interval night checks were the worst. Not anal inspections but still... I freaked out the night "nurse" because he shined his flashlight into my wide open eyes. He told me I scared him and ran out. Damn...


You do have a way with words DB,this and the one about the funeral business made me laugh hard,yea I got the dark humor bad,why you think I'm here?


Maybe this has already being said, but... this experience reminds me of: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7153766/


Oh dear, no never heard that before, her experience looks a little more rough that mine was LOL, I guess the difference between Hollywood and real life, although oddly enough a few people have messaged me and said they had the exact same experience.


Hahaha!!! The yoga is for chicks and fags, hahahaa, I'm trying to get the fuxk outta here bc as usual, I'm running late but I had to comment on that bc I was literally getting out of the shower, and trying to gulp down my coffee and almost choked. Wouldn't that be nice... Girl found dead in apartment wrapped in towel.... In went down the wrong pipe!" And still more believable than Epstains Suicide! Lol! This is my busy season for my antique booth... Where I actually sell what one would lyrically wax, handmade" crafts", lol, and Creepy Dolls is one of my bigger sellers. Thank God other freaks exist! Lol! I'm off like prom dress! I gotta catch up tonight!!!


Oh my god, this is giving me flash backs to being a teenager locked up in one of those "troubled teen rehabs" because I had depression and was moody and ran away for less than a night. Came out much worse than when I went in. My parents both say it eas the biggest mistake of their lives. They essentially signed over custody of me and I ws essentially being tested on like a lab rat with all these new medications that are now under laws of not given to anyone under 18. When ieas signed into outpatient care after 2 months in, the new psych was a snobby bitch and I wasn't so sweet myself. She ended up putting me on a dose of concerta they wouldn't evenb give an adult these days that when finally takento thr dr due to chest pains so bad I could no longer swallow, he said I would have been dead in under a week. At 13. Not sure how we or why we're didn't end up suing thst cunt. But I have a real hard timr trusting doctors now.


It is way to difficult to edit comments on a cell phone on here so I apologize for all the mistakes. And I'm so sorry you went through this fucking nightmare


Thank you for doing the hard work. Scary shit