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Due to the fact I got a strike on my channel (For harassment and bullying doing what other bigger channels do all the time joking about other channels) ) and generally I don't think it would be enjoyable in my current state, I will make it up to everyone and post it during the week.




DB, we love you and we just want you to feel better. You aren't "being gripey" and you don't have an "artists temperament", they are just being assholes, it wears you down. Rest and recharge. Good energy to you😘💜


It’s all good. Try to enjoy the rest of your weekend. Cheers! 🍺


Go tie one on and get laid. That usually gets the bugs out. Legion Forever !!


https://youtu.be/oZZ5Kouj_hQ Jus seen this on Recommended it's the founder of that YouTuber union a member here has mentioned before I forget who (sorry) guys not messing about getting lawyers on the case, hope it goes somewhere and they wind their necks in a few feet.


Don't worry about us lot . We are not going anywhere mate . Clear your head forgot about it all until you are ready to get back on it. As us BRITS say. (Keep a stiff upper lip.) Well keep something stiff . LFNL SON 😎🇬🇧


Don’t let the bastards grind you down mate 💋


Take all the time you need. The way I see it, gives us something else to look forward to


It was "Hillbilly Scholar", this is the follow up video posted yesterday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usar9ZvQ490


No worries DB, we can wait xxxx


No worries you have had a very busy last few weeks with these strikes,trolls bullying and YouTube bullying you .


FIRST you tell me you won’t babysit me on the Internet THEN you tell me you’re not gonna give me the depraved and violent content I NEED. This is turning out to be about as fulfilling as every other relationship I’ve ever had with a man...


That's cool man take yer time and cool off I know I'm pissed just hearing what you're dealing with,although hearing you turn into Howard Beale is always amusing


"I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore" from the movie Network in 1976,really like he said get everybody up and fight back kind of prophetic


Marc, why didn't you upload the gif of Howard Beale in the community section. I bet that's how DB was feeling when he got the strike.


I'm a bit new so not so sure how this site works,gimme a little time and let me get comfy and I'll probably post some of my bizarre humor to things.


I took care of it, I uploaded it to the Community section.